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2023 Fifth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN), 18-20 september.2023

Корякина М. М., Агранович О. Е., Bermúdez-Margaretto B. et al.

IEEE, 2023.

Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries
In press

Cologna V., Mede N. G., Berger S. et al.

Nature Human Behaviour. 2024.

Book chapter
Attenuation of Evoked Responses Elicited by Hand Action Words During EEG Mismatch Negativity Recordings in Children with Motor Impairments

Bredikhin D., Kopytin G., Ulanov M. et al.

In bk.: 10TH mismatch negativity conference. The Neuronal Basis of MMN and its Clinical Applications. 2024. P. 155-155.

Working paper
Difficulty overdose? Inconclusive effect of the disfluent font on reading in second language

Tsigeman E., Likhanov M., Kalinnikova L. et al.

00. 00. PsyArXiv Preprints, 2024


Azhariya Karimova took part in the summer school of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics dedicated to well-being in education

Azhariya Karimova took part in the summer school of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics dedicated to well-being in education
The summer school organised by Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for well-being researchers was held from 26 to 29 June.

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation
CSCR members participated in the All-Russian scientific conference "Positive experience of regulating ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation" in Kazan on June 26-29.

The relationship of belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward politicians with different leadership styles

The relationship of belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward politicians with different leadership styles
Alexander Gnezdilov described the results of his study

Factors of institutional trust formation in countries with different political regimes

Factors of institutional trust formation in countries with different political regimes
Vladislav Sychev spoke about the main results of the study

Competition "Aerobatics"

Competition "Aerobatics"
April 3-4, 2024 The commission of the "Aerobatics" competition heard the best research projects of high school students vying for winning places.

A team from the Centre for Sociocultural Research won an RNF grant on the topic "Topical issues of digitalisation in Russia: socio-psychological barriers and ways to overcome them"

A team from the Centre for Sociocultural Research won an RNF grant on the topic "Topical issues of digitalisation in Russia: socio-psychological barriers and ways to overcome them"
The project leader is A.N. Tatarko, Director of the Centre for Sociocultural Research, Doctor of Psychological Sciences.   The winning project is complex and deals with the most important, from the psychological point of view, problems related to digitalisation in Russia. In recent years, digitalisation of various spheres of Russian life has been progressing at a tremendous pace. The most intensively digitalised areas are: education, public services, the financial sphere of society, and the political sphere of society. In this regard, we have proposed a project that examines the socio-psychological problems of digitalisation in the most important spheres of Russian society in order to find solutions.

Maintenance of students psychological well-being: Competition for the position of research intern in the Department of Psychology

Maintenance of students psychological well-being: Competition for the position of research intern in the Department of Psychology
The vacancy is open only to undergraduate and graduate students of the HSE, who at the time of submitting documents (February 2023) and at the time of completion of the internship (December 2023) will have the status of an undergraduate or graduate student of the HSE. Changing status from bachelor's to master's or from master's to postgraduate within a year is permitted.

'Russia Is Not Colder, but Weather Contrasts Are Greater Here.' What HSE Scientists Shared with Visitors at 'Russia' Forum

'Russia Is Not Colder, but Weather Contrasts Are Greater Here.' What HSE Scientists Shared with Visitors at 'Russia' Forum
On February 7, the lecture hall of the Russian 'Znanie' ('Knowledge') Society hosted a series of talks by HSE researchers and faculty as part of the 'Russia' International Exhibition and Forum. The talks covered a diverse array of topics, such as the interplay between innovation and creativity, how values are passed down between generations, debunking myths about Russia, the principles of successful communication in various contexts, and the concepts of collectivism and individualism. The events were open to the public.

Interdisciplinary meeting in the social sciences

Interdisciplinary meeting in the social sciences
On 5 February, the staff of the Centre for Sociocultural Research together with the staff of the Laboratory of Comparative Social Research, the Centre for Stability and Risk Studies, and the Department of Psychology of the National Research University Higher School of Economics came together to exchange ideas and experience in their respective fields.

Constructing collective identity in the interaction of protests and counter-protests in online environments

Constructing collective identity in the interaction of protests and counter-protests in online environments
Valeria Koncha and Andrei Akhremenko spoke about their research