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Functional segregation of rostral and caudal hippocampus in associative memory

Vorobyova A., Feurra M., Pavone E. F. et al.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2025. P. 1-15.

Book chapter
Weight Perturbations for Simulating Virtual Lesions in a Convolutional Neural Network

W. Joseph MacInnes, Zhozhikashvili N., Feurra M.

In bk.: First International Conference, AIiH 2024, Swansea, UK, September 4–6, 2024, Proceedings, Part II. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. LNCS, volume 14976. Vol. 14976. Springer, 2024. P. 221-234.


Vasily Klucharev: ‘Our Brain Identifies Losing Money and Standing out from the Crowd as Catastrophes’

There are numerous ways of impacting people’s decisions, you can convince, intimidate, hypnotise, or use particular tools on certain parts of the brain. Why do scientists do this and what do these experiments show? Vasily Klucharev, Head of HSE’s School of Psychology answers questions posed by Olga Orlova, who hosts the  Hamburg Score  programme on Russia’s Public Television Channel.

HSE Scholars Co-author International Encyclopaedia of the Brain

Vasily Klucharev, School of Psychology Head, and Anna Shestakova, Director of the Centre, have become co-authors of a chapter in ‘Brain Mapping’, a three-volume encyclopaedic collection.

Global Expert Spoke on Advances in Neuroeconomics

Global Expert Spoke on Advances in Neuroeconomics
On March 25, Samuel McClure, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, gave a lecture called ‘Neuroeconomics: Cognitive and Neural Processes in Delay Discounting’ at HSE. Organized by the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, the event covered delay discounting, as well as the work that had been done to understand the cognitive and neural processes that give rise to delay discounting and hence the dimensions along which delay discount rates vary. Samuel McClure recently agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research and what he aims to accomplish in terms of collaboration with specialists at HSE.

Multiculturalism aids the development of Russian society

The broader the ethnic diversity, the greater the level of tolerance to people from other cultures. Multiculturalism has a positive effect on societal development in Russian regions. This is evidenced by research into the relationship between heterogeneity and socio-psychological capital of personality, that was carried out by Leading Research Fellow at the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research Alexander Tatarko. The report was presented at the XVI April International Academic Conference.

Talk by Samuel McClure (Stanford University)

Professor from Stanford University Samuel McClure gave a talk on «Cognitive and Neural Processes in Delay Discounting».

Graduates Employed by Their Alma Mater Share Its Values

Some university teachers, but not all, are involved in their school's affairs and tend to take its failures personally and celebrate its successes as their own. Some teachers are willing to work weekends, help their colleagues and engage in various extracurricular activities, while others stick firmly to their job descriptions and rarely agree to do anything not expressly stated in their contract. According to Andrey Lovakov, what makes a difference between the former and the latter is the level of commitment to their institution determined by a number of factors.

Why are some societies more cooperative than others?

New research by Evgeny Osin and his collaborators shows that our personal perspective on time can determine how we cooperate.

Making a Machine That Sees Like Us

Tadamasa Sawada, Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, spoke to The HSE LooK about his research. We wish our new colleague a great beginning at the HSE!

Journal Club at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making

Discussing research whether it’s your own work or someone else’s project is a big part of academic life. International professors, postdocs and students are often those who initiate and take an active part in these discussions at HSE. Marco Colosio, a PhD student at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making heads the Journal Club where researchers, graduate and undergraduate students present and critique recent publications in cognitive neuroscience and neuroeconomics literature. “Our goal is to have a comfortable atmosphere in which everyone can openly share ideas and learn from each other”, announced the club’s moderator in an email last year. Marco Colosio shared his thoughts on running the Journal Club with The HSE Look.

'Media Often Sensationalize Findings'

Marie Arsalidou joined HSE in September 2014 as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Arsalidou speaks to The HSE LooK about her research projects and work plans.