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Age-related changes of interoceptive brain networks: Implications for interoception and alexithymia

Dobrushina O. R., Dobrynina L. A., Arina G. A. et al.

Emotion. 2024. No. 6. P. 1536-1549.

Book chapter
Unraveling the Complexities of Motor Imagery and Its Impact on the Brain's Capabilities
In press

Perevoznyuk G., Ragimova A., Батов А. А. et al.

In bk.: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN). IEEE, 2024. P. 140 - 143.

Community – News

'Russia Is Not Colder, but Weather Contrasts Are Greater Here.' What HSE Scientists Shared with Visitors at 'Russia' Forum

'Russia Is Not Colder, but Weather Contrasts Are Greater Here.' What HSE Scientists Shared with Visitors at 'Russia' Forum
On February 7, the lecture hall of the Russian 'Znanie' ('Knowledge') Society hosted a series of talks by HSE researchers and faculty as part of the 'Russia' International Exhibition and Forum. The talks covered a diverse array of topics, such as the interplay between innovation and creativity, how values are passed down between generations, debunking myths about Russia, the principles of successful communication in various contexts, and the concepts of collectivism and individualism. The events were open to the public.

HSE to Participate in NAUKA 0+ Festival

This year’s NAUKA 0+ festival aims to turn science into something anyone can grasp. At the festival, various laboratories and universities open their doors to anyone and everyone with an interest in science and research. What will people learn about HSE at the festival? What new things will they see and discover? Let’s find out!