
HSE University has retained its position in the Top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities, otherwise known as the Shanghai Ranking, in sociology and mathematics. The university improved in political science and has also placed in the same group in economics. At the same time, HSE moved to the next group in management and entered new subject areas – psychology and business administration. HSE is the only Russian university ranked in four subjects: Sociology, Management, Business Administration, and Political Science. HSE University is Russia’s leader in economics and ranks in the same group as Moscow State University in mathematics.

On March 22, HSE’s School of Psychology organized a talk by Professor Geoffrey Saxe, from Graduate School at UC Berkeley, on Cultural Development of Mathematical Ideas. The talk was based on the results of Prof. Saxe’s expedition to Papua New Guinea where he studied a remote Mountain Ok community. In his interview with HSE News Service Professor Saxe talks about his research.

Applications shall be accepted until April 1 and reviewed by scientific committees of HSE faculties. Authors of successful applications shall make presentations of their RTL projects to the competition committee.