
From Spain’s Basque Country to Moscow, an HSE Research Fellow Studies Human Memory and Metamemory

From Spain’s Basque Country to Moscow, an HSE Research Fellow Studies Human Memory and Metamemory
After receiving her PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, Beatriz Martín-Luengo arrived in Moscow in 2015 to join the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making at HSE as a Research Fellow. Since then, she has pursued research interests that focus on the ecological study of human memory (i.e., variables that affect our recollection) and metamemory, which is the introspective knowledge of one's own memory capabilities (and strategies that can aid memory) and the processes involved in memory self-monitoring.

The possible trends of authoritarian development, hybrid regimes, and for whom the presidential race is a ‘farewell tour’?

On the 23rd January the HSE Winter school 2018 of Faculty of Social Sciences has opened its doors for students from all over Russia and other countries.

Young HSE Researchers Receive Awards from Moscow Government

The Moscow Government has presented various awards to several young HSE researchers - Aigul Mavletova, Evgeny Feigin and Alexey Vdovin.

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology
On December 21st  Master's programme in Applied Social Psychology organized the 4th annual All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology. International students from many faculties and schools, including Preparatory year students, gathered to celebrate HSE’s multicultural environment and the Russian New Year.

Results for 2017 Student Research Paper Competition Announced

Results for 2017 Student Research Paper Competition Announced
The research paper competition was held in 21 subjects. For the first time ever, international students are among the competition’s winners. As for international participants, Umesi Love Ugonna  the first place in Public Administration category for his paper ‘Еffect of Maternal Micronutrients Supplementation on Infant Mortality in Nigeria’, while Kofi Aduo-Adjei and Owusu Richmond became runners-up in Sociology category with their paper ‘Analysis of Socioeconomic Differences in the Quality of ANC Services Provided in 60 Low and Middle Income Countries’.  All three are students of our HSE Master’s programme in ‘Population and Development’. Congratulations!

Policy Space and the Human Rights Week: a Global Concern for the Expression and Capacity

Policy Space and the Human Rights Week: a Global Concern for the Expression and Capacity
The Student Chamber of the Department of Public Policy at National Research University Higher School of Economics celebrated Human Rights Week – in honor of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights – by hosting a series of activities, a film screening, and write-for-rights by Amnesty International, a privilege walk and a play, performed by students from the department.

HSE Graduate Applies Lessons to Work in Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs

HSE Graduate Applies Lessons to Work in Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs
Since 2008, Indra Prasetya has been working as Chief of Protocol at the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs. A graduate of Gadjah Mada University with a degree in Social and Political Science, the 33-year old native of Kebumen, Indonesia went on to spend two years in the HSE Public Policy Department studying Political Analysis and Public Policy.

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium
The CIAM-WYA Synod Colloquium is a joint international conference hosted by Centro Internazionale Di Animazione Missionaria (CIAM), for the most outstanding members of World Youth Alliance in Vatican (Rome, Italy) held from 4 to 10 December 2017. Our student, Satria Rizaldi Alchatib ,  and 11 participants were chosen through a joint process of nomination and application.

Working Emotional Intelligence in Business and Education

The Master Programme "Psychology in Business" HSE, together with the European Association of Cultural and Emotional Intelligent Projects (EACEIP), the International Center of the Coaching Training Consulting (CTC), and the International Network of Children's Schools for the Development of Emotional Intelligence (EI CHILDREN) took part in the organization and holding of the First International Science -Practical Conference "Working Emotional Intellect in Business and Education".

Tools of modern coaching from the leading coaches of our country

Almanac of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Psychology: Theory and Practice", November 16-19, 2017.