
The Russian family has been becoming more demographically heterogeneous over recent years. Some of the families follow the trend of having many children: women more often give birth to a third and fourth child, and the gap between births is decreasing, which makes the evolution of the family faster. At the same time, younger generations are inclined to postpone marriage and having their first child, which leads either to later motherhood or to childlessness. This means that two opposite trends are developing; along with the growing share of ‘Western-type’ families, with postponed parenthood and fewer children, there is a revival of the traditional family with more children, Sergey Zakharov, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute of Demography, reported.

Professor Martin Carnoy of Stanford University and visiting professor at the Higher School of Economics, and Tatiana Khavenson, Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, were among the authors of the report ‘An Analysis of the Impact of Education Policies on Student Achievement in the United States’, which was recently presented in Washington, DC. The key provisions of this report are of use when it comes to analyzing the situation in Russian education.

Artem Zemtsov, master’s student in Applied Politics won the XI All-Russian young journalists competition ‘Challenge - XXI Century’. He took first place in the ‘Politics and Economics’ category for his series of interviews with the representatives of left-wing and radical left political movements in Russia.
Originally from Ontario in Canada, Jesse Campbell has been Assistant Professor at the School of Public Administration since the fall 2014. HSE English News asked him to look back over his first year in Moscow and share his impressions.