21% of Russians believe that most people can be trusted. 74% believe that caution should be exercised with those around us.A year earlier, the figures were 17% and 80%, respectively. The level of trust is increasing in groups of people who have higher education and income.
In an interview for CIRGE Washington University on the ongoing reforms and pending challenges in Russian doctoral education, Senior Research Fellow at HSE’s Institute for Higher Education, Igor Chirikov explains the peculiar economic, social and bureaucratic problems and academic traditions that are hampering the careers of Russian academics but he also gives reasons to be optimistic about change for the future.

On 12 January, Chares Demetriou presented his book The Dynamics of Radicalization: A Relational and Comparative Perspective at a seminar of the Laboratory for Economic-Sociological Research. In his lecture, Demetriou presented new ways of analysing the radicalisation of political groups. In this research, group radicalization is being examined rather than individual radicalization which is untypical of work in this particular field.
Students who choose to pursue a master's or postgraduate degree are at a distinct advantage over those who stop after receiving a bachelor's degree, and can expect higher starting salaries and a wider career choice. Some students, particularly those studying the humanities, medicine, and natural sciences, are more likely to pursue further studies beyond the undergraduate programme, observesYana Roschina, senior research fellow at the HSE's Laboratory of Economics and Social Research, in her report 'Factors Influencing Russian Students' Educational and Employment Plans'.
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