Congratulations to our colleagues in the Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy!

Congratulations to our colleagues in the Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy!

HSE’s Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy  placed 28th in a global ranking of analytical centres that work with the quality of public administration.

The rating, entitled Top Transparency and Good Governance Think Tanks, is part of the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index Report published as part of the University of Pennsylvania’s non-profit program Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). The report has been published annually since 2008 and contains both regional and industry-specific ratings. The database that is supported by the programme’s staff consists of around 6,300 analytical centres representing 206 countries and territories. The programme’s objective is to raise the quality of cooperation among analytical centres, politicians, and civil society.

The Laboratory for Anti-Corruption Policy was created in 2009 on the initiative of HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov. The Laboratory, which is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences, is currently headed by Elena Panfilova, a lecturer in the School of Political Science and vice-chair of Transparency International.