On March 28-29th, the Gender and Governance International Conference, jointly organized by the Aleksanteri Institute (University of Helsinki) and the Research group 'Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities' from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Higher School of Economics (Moscow), was held in Helsinki. Members and Heads of the HSE study group and researchers and professors from the University of Helsinki presented their reports at the event.
Tag "international cooperation"
On November 20-24, Salvatore Zappala, Associate Professor of Organizational Change and Development, University of Bologna, School of Psychology, is visiting HSE Moscow as part of the programme of cooperation between HSE and the University of Bologna. Professor Zappala and Evgeniya Kravchenko, Senior Lecturer at the School of Psychology of the Faculty of Social Sciences, shared their expectations of the visit with HSE News Service.
Springer, one of the world's leading publishers of scientific literature, has launched a new book series, entitled ‘Societies and political orders in transition’. The series has been initiated by the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences, and three HSE representatives are members of the series International Advisory Board, with the other four members coming from universities in Germany, UK and the USA.