The Database of Revolutionary Events of the 21st century published on the Centre's website
The database provides a description of the revolutionary events of the 21st century including various characteristics: chronological, geographical, type of tactics of the protesters, purpose and degree of success. Also, based on the presented Database, the 'Atlas of Instability' has been made for the Afroasian (Afrasian) macrozone and for African states located to the South of the Sahel. It presents the risks of armed or non-violent revolutionary episodes for some countries from selected regions in long-term dynamics under three different scenarios - positive, inertial and negative.
The database is prepared as the part of the "Quantitative analysis and forecasting of the risks of socio-political destabilization in the countries of the Afroasian macrozone of instability" project under the support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 18-18-00254-P).
The book “New Wave of Revolutions in the MENA Region. A comparative Perspective" is published
The Springer has published a new book edited by laboratory staff members Andrey Korotaev and Leonid Issaev, “New Wave of Revolutions in the MENA Region. A comparative Perspective". The book was written within the framework of a five-year project of the Russian Science Foundation "Quantitative analysis and forecasting of the risks of socio-political destabilization in the countries of the Afroasian macrozone of instability" and offers a comparative look at the new wave of revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa.

The book about revolutions in the 21st century has been published!
Springer published the book "Handbook of Revolutions in the 21st Century". The Lab's leading research fellows A.V. Korotaev and L.E. Grinin contributed as co-editors of J. Goldstone, one of the most famous researchers of revolutionary processes in modern political science.