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Фактический адрес: 101000, г. Москва, Армянский пер. 4, корп. 2
Почтовый адрес: 101000, г. Москва, ул. Мясницкая, д. 20 (департамент психологии)
Психология – одна из наиболее бурно развивающихся в настоящее время наук о человеке, включающая, с одной стороны, такие фундаментальные исследовательские направления, как общая психология и психология личности, социальная и кросскультурная психология, когнитивная психология и психофизиология, экономическая психология и психология принятия решения, а с другой – такие практико-ориентированные направления, как психологическая диагностика, индивидуальное и семейное психологическое консультирование, психоанализ, организационная психология. Все эти направления развиваются в департаменте ведущими российскими психологами, для которых выбор психологии стал выбором не только профессии, но и судьбы.
Galyapina V. N., Lepshokova Z., Apollonov I. A.
Population and Economics. 2025. Vol. 9. No. 1. P. 25-44.
В кн.: Психология бизнеса: учебник для вузов. М.: Юрайт, 2025. С. 416-491.
Ivanova M., Germanova K., Petelin D. et al.
Biorxiv. 005140. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024
В среду 28 марта 2018 года в НИУ ВШЭ состоится лекция профессора университета Исландии, Исландия, заведующего Icelandic Vision Lab Арни Кристьянссона на тему " Single-target visual search tasks provide only a snap-shot of attentional orienting: New insights from visual foraging tasks "
Abstract: Visual attention has in past decades mainly been investigated with single-target visual searches. But our goals from one moment to the next are unlikely to involve only a single target, and more recently, paradigms involving visual foraging for multiple targets have been developed. Results from these new tasks call for different interpretations of various phenomena in the attention literature. For example, set-size effects in single-target visual search tasks partly form the foundation of many theories of visual search. Target selection times during foraging revealed a far more intricate pattern than single-target searches: 1) a ‘cruise phase’ where observers select targets very rapidly, far more quickly than typical response times in visual search. 2) During conjunction foraging there were distinct mid-peaks that reflect switches from one target-type to the other 3) Finally there were end-peaks in selection times during both feature and conjunction foraging reflecting slowed responses when observers tap the last target. Strikingly, these end peaks replicate well-known set-size patterns seen during single-target visual search tasks, showing how single-target tasks may only scratch the surface of attentional function, and that typical single-target search patterns are only seen for a limited part of the foraging pattern. Our results show how single-target visual search tasks vastly undersample the operation of visual attention, providing only a snap-shot of attentional function and this limited information is bound to be reflected in theoretical accounts based on such tasks.
Начало: 18.00
Адрес: Армянский переулок, 4с2, 418 ауд.
Язык: английский
Для заказа пропуска в здание НИУ ВШЭ для внешних участников просьба выслать фамилию, имя, отчество и наименование места учебы/работы на адрес nskuznetsova@hse.ru до 27 марта.
Dear colleagues!
“ACME” Research and Study Group kindly invites you to open lecture "Single-target visual search tasks provide only a snap-shot of attentional orienting: New insights from visual foraging tasks" given by Professor Árni Kristjánsson, (Head of Icelandic Vision Lab,University of Iceland).
Lecture will be held on 28 March 2018 at Armyansky pereulok 4/2, room 418.
Abstract: Visual attention has in past decades mainly been investigated with single-target visual searches. But our goals from one moment to the next are unlikely to involve only a single target, and more recently, paradigms involving visual foraging for multiple targets have been developed. Results from these new tasks call for different interpretations of various phenomena in the attention literature. For example, set-size effects in single-target visual search tasks partly form the foundation of many theories of visual search. Target selection times during foraging revealed a far more intricate pattern than single-target searches: 1) a ‘cruise phase’ where observers select targets very rapidly, far more quickly than typical response times in visual search. 2) During conjunction foraging there were distinct mid-peaks that reflect switches from one target-type to the other 3) Finally there were end-peaks in selection times during both feature and conjunction foraging reflecting slowed responses when observers tap the last target. Strikingly, these end peaks replicate well-known set-size patterns seen during single-target visual search tasks, showing how single-target tasks may only scratch the surface of attentional function, and that typical single-target search patterns are only seen for a limited part of the foraging pattern. Our results show how single-target visual search tasks vastly undersample the operation of visual attention, providing only a snap-shot of attentional function and this limited information is bound to be reflected in theoretical accounts based on such tasks.
Start time: 6 p.m.
Venue: Armyansky pereulok 4/2, room 418
Language: English