Yevgeny Ivanov performed as a discussant at the online section "Political Science", at the conference "Alliance of Social Sciences"
Students from the HSE University, St. Petersburg State University and other universities took part in the section. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, from identity and political representation to the political implications of environmental protests. Yevgeny Ivanov noted the high level of reports given there.
Information for students! Supervisors and the framework topics of term papers and theses.
Dear students of bachelor's and master's programs!If you are interested in the research fields our Laboratory is engaged in, then you can contact one of the scholars (A.V. Korotaev, L.M. Issaev, A.R. Shishkina and Ye.A. Ivanov ). To do that you should share a research proposal with a potential supervisor. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the scholars possibilities of being a supervisor are limited.