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Regular version of the site


Regular research seminars are held with focus in two areas.

  1. Computational modelling techniques are offered as a combination of workshops and lectures. Instruction includes Matlab toolkits for clustering neural networks, visual interface programs for Bayesian and Dynamic Bayesian networks and custom coding are taught for diffusion models.
  2. Eye tracking workshops include both theoretical overview of the human visual system and practical implementation of eye tracking experiments. These workshops typically involve intensive full day or weekend introductions at least once per year as well as bimonthly sessions to improve skills.
Bimonthly group meetings are also held as a forum for open discussion, review of relevant literature, and group problem solving.

The ACME Research Seminar

Stage 2: 2018

Stage 1: 2017


Stage 1: 2017

Java workshop

ACME is announcing an elective workshop on Java programming this year.

The meetings take place 'most' Thursday evenings from 7pm till 8:30 on Armianskii 4/2.

A few things to help you decide if you are interested:

  • This is an unofficial elective/workshop, but Dr. Joe MacInnes (Associate Professor, School of Psychology) will teach it just like a first year introduction to computer science course, so it will be thorough.
  • Why Java? It is a true programming language (unlike Matlab) and can be used to teach proper programming methods, structures and techniques. These techniques will serve you far beyond any single programming language (this will even help you in Matlab and Python).
  • Java also has a great, free development environment called Eclipse that we will use. We start with basic programming skills, then on to data structures and Object Oriented Programming (OOP), then finally to Java and OpenGL graphics.

The workshop is held in English.

If you want to join the workshop, please contact the head of the ACME Group.

Stage 2: 2018

Stage 1: 2017


Stage 2: 2018

Events we attended

Stage 1: 2017

The Conference was organized by Neuro Device Group S.A. and The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and took in Lublin (Poland), April 21-23, 2017.

The following Group members presented the results of their research projects:

  1. Doctor W. Joseph MacInnes, the head of the ACME Group: Comparison of temporal models for spatial cuing
  2. Anastasiya Lopukhina: Eye movement control in the visual world paradigm
  3. Liubov Ardasheva: Development of a combined TMS/eye-tracking study for executive process
  4. Tatiana Malevich: Combining EEG and eye tracking: a joint experiment with the exogenous orienting task
  5. Alena Kulikova: Spatial attention, alertness and anti-saccades: a diffusion model analysis
  6. Roopali Bhatnagar: Testing multiple metrics for saccadic facilitation in a cueing task

The conference materials are available here: conference_booklet.pdf

The conference took place in Berlin (Germany), 27–31 August 2017.

The following ACME members participated:

  1. Doctor W. Joseph MacInnes, the head of the ACME Group
  2. Tatiana Malevich: Early facilitation and perceptual merging: the role of alpha band power and neuronal dynamics in exogenous orienting
  3. Alena Kulikova: Spatial attention and eye movements: A diffusion model study
  4. Sofia Krasovskaya: Training restricted Boltzmann machines to generate human-like eye movements
  5. Kirill Korotaev: Investigating links between artificial neural networks and human visual perception

The conference programme is available here: ECVP_2017

The conference materials are available here.

The conference took place in Wuppertal (Germany), 20–24 August 2017.

The following ACME members participated:

  1. Anastasiya Lopukhina: Can the Eye-Mind Connection Be Broken in the Visual World Paradigm?

The conference programme is available here:  ECEM_2017

The School took place in Dubna (Russia), 23 July – 7 August 2017.

The following ACME members participated:

  1. Alena Kulikova
  2. Elena Rybina
  3. Liya Merzon

The project on programming and developing a neural network accomplished by the participants:

The event took place November 6, 2017

Dr W.J. MacInnes presented a talk 'IOR and facilitation.'
Attention lecture


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