Tag "Reporting an event"

Pokémon, ARPANET, and the Mysterious East: Science Battles between Student Organisations at HSE

Katya Kozlova, Nikita Topkov, Dmitry Zlobin, Alexander Lazarenko
A special session of HSE Science Battles has taken place at the HSE Cultural Centre. This time, the speakers represented their student organisations and scientific fields. The evening brought together ideas about the future—from metaverses and deciphering ancient languages to neuromodular chips and the prospects of social sciences.

Students at the Annual International Conference "Carpe Scientiam: Reaching ESG Goals in the Time of Global Changes"

Students at the Annual International Conference "Carpe Scientiam: Reaching ESG Goals in the Time of Global Changes"
On November 29, 2023, students from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Research University (Higher School of Economics) participated in the annual international conference "Carpe Scientiam; reaching ESG goals in the time of global changes", organized by the Higher School of State Audit Lomonosov Moscow State University.

International Scientific Conference “Russia and the Greater Mediterranean 2023. Human in the face of a new energy agenda”

International Scientific Conference “Russia and the Greater Mediterranean 2023. Human in the face of a new energy agenda”
On October 26-28, 2023, the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and HSE University successfully hosted a discussion on the problems facing the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. Mateo Rojas Samper, a 2nd year student of the program, took part and shared his insight of the event.

Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity

Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity
On April 12, 2023, within the framework of the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a session "Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity" was held (Moderator: N. Bolshakov (ILSIR, HSE University). 

Interview with the program's graduate

Interview with the program's graduate
Makhzuna Yunusova is a 2022 graduate of the program "Political Analysis and Public Policy". In this interview she shared her memories of the program, the experience of applying her knowledge to practice and tips for graduates. Details can be found below.

Discussing Administrative Reforms in the BRICS: HSE University Hosted International Symposium

Discussing Administrative Reforms in the BRICS: HSE University Hosted International Symposium
On 20-21 October 2022 School of Politics and Governance at HSE University hosted the Fifth International Symposium on Development and Governance in the BRICS.It gathered the speakers from ten countries, who discussed the public administration reforms in general, and such their aspects as tackling the consequences of COVID-19 pandemics, international project management, risk management and digitalization.

In Memory of Sanjay Kumar Rajhans

In Memory of Sanjay Kumar Rajhans
With our deep condolences to family and colleagues, the Faculty of Social Sciences announces the passing of senior lecturer of the Public Policy department Sanjay Kumar Rajhans.

Andrei Yakovlev Named Research Ambassador at the University of Bremen

Andrei Yakovlev Named Research Ambassador at the University of Bremen
Andrei Yakovlev, Professor of the School of Politics and Governance and Director of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies of HSE University has been named a Research Ambassador at the University of Bremen (Germany). He was appointed by the Rectorate of the University at the suggestion of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. Professor Yakovlev will represent the University in Russia and Eastern Europe and act as a liaison between any prospective students and researchers and the University of Bremen.

Healing from a Pandemic: Mental Health

Healing from a Pandemic: Mental Health
On April 30, Tomas Jurcik, Assistant Professor at the HSE School of Psychology, held the discussion ‘Healing from a Pandemic: Individual Perspectives’, as part of Mental Health Spring, organized by the HSE Psychological Counselling Centre.

How socio-political polarization erodes democracy

On February 13, the regular meeting of the Contemporary Issues in Political Science Research Seminar was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Associate professors of the School of Politics and Governance Ekim Arbatli and Dina Rosenberg presented the results of their research ‘United we stand, divided we rule: How socio-political polarization erodes democracy’.

Gender and Governance International Conference at the University of Helsinki

Gender and Governance International Conference at the University of Helsinki
On March 28-29th, the Gender and Governance International Conference, jointly organized by the Aleksanteri Institute (University of Helsinki) and the Research group 'Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities' from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Higher School of Economics (Moscow), was held in Helsinki. Members and Heads of the HSE study group and researchers and professors from the University of Helsinki presented their reports at the event.

In the race for standard costs: from Tilburg to Wiesbaden

Over the last three years, Associate Professor Daniil Tsygankov from the HSE Institute of Public Administration and Governance has been studying how the Netherlands, Germany and Russia all introduce the standard cost model, a promising tool for assessing the impact of state regulation on business. Today he will be sharing his experience, gained from conferences, placements, field and practical work in this area.

What Policy Tools Should Be Used to Counter the Mayhem of Xenophobia?

What Policy Tools Should Be Used to Counter the Mayhem of Xenophobia?
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed every year on March 21 around the world. The sole aim of this day is to combat racial discrimination and promote unity.  On April 4, 2018, the Student Chamber in the Department of Public Policy held a symposium on promoting tolerance and respect for diversity in the spirit of ending racial discrimination and xenophobia. Attended by both students and lecturers, the symposium was conducted as an integral part of the course on 'Human Rights in Non-western Societies' that is taught in our Master’s programme on Political Analysis and Public Policy.

The possible trends of authoritarian development, hybrid regimes, and for whom the presidential race is a ‘farewell tour’?

On the 23rd January the HSE Winter school 2018 of Faculty of Social Sciences has opened its doors for students from all over Russia and other countries.

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology

All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology
On December 21st  Master's programme in Applied Social Psychology organized the 4th annual All Cultures Day at the School of Psychology. International students from many faculties and schools, including Preparatory year students, gathered to celebrate HSE’s multicultural environment and the Russian New Year.

Policy Space and the Human Rights Week: a Global Concern for the Expression and Capacity

Policy Space and the Human Rights Week: a Global Concern for the Expression and Capacity
The Student Chamber of the Department of Public Policy at National Research University Higher School of Economics celebrated Human Rights Week – in honor of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights – by hosting a series of activities, a film screening, and write-for-rights by Amnesty International, a privilege walk and a play, performed by students from the department.

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium
The CIAM-WYA Synod Colloquium is a joint international conference hosted by Centro Internazionale Di Animazione Missionaria (CIAM), for the most outstanding members of World Youth Alliance in Vatican (Rome, Italy) held from 4 to 10 December 2017. Our student, Satria Rizaldi Alchatib ,  and 11 participants were chosen through a joint process of nomination and application.

Working Emotional Intelligence in Business and Education

The Master Programme "Psychology in Business" HSE, together with the European Association of Cultural and Emotional Intelligent Projects (EACEIP), the International Center of the Coaching Training Consulting (CTC), and the International Network of Children's Schools for the Development of Emotional Intelligence (EI CHILDREN) took part in the organization and holding of the First International Science -Practical Conference "Working Emotional Intellect in Business and Education".

Tools of modern coaching from the leading coaches of our country

Almanac of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Psychology: Theory and Practice", November 16-19, 2017.

Graduation Ceremony 2017

Graduation Ceremony 2017
The final days of the academic calendar at HSE include a range of activities that serve as the culmination of a learning marathon that each student, regardless of discipline or programme, has worked hard to complete.  The Department of Public Policy’s international Master’s programme saw its own marathon come to an end with a graduation ceremony on June 29. An unforgettable event for both students and faculty members, the graduation ceremony saw students awarded with diplomas in recognition of their readiness for the world as professionals well equipped with the skills to function in an increasingly globalized world.