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The School of Politics and Governance brings together professors, researchers, and lecturers of the courses in Political Science and Public Administration offered to the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Faculty's degree programmes, where our staff members teach, are EAPAA and ZEvA accredited. Thanks to the research and publication activity of the School’s faculty members, HSE University ranks among the world’s top 100 universities in the QS Politics & International Studies subject ranking. Within this ranking, it ranks highest among Russian universities. HSE University also ranks among the top 100 universities in the QS Social Sciences & Management ranking.
Kutsenko E., Gokhberg L., Boos V. et al.
M.: ISSEK HSE, 2024.
Akcinaroglu S., Berkowitz J., Moreno Leon C. E. et al.
Conflict Management and Peace Science. 2025. P. 1-23.
Vadim Belenkov, Koncha V., Sedashov E.
In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-3.
Romanov D., Kiryukhov G., Artivua A. et al.
SSRN Working Paper Series. SSRN Working Paper Series. Social Science Research Network, 2025
At the opening ceremony of the Symposium Prof. Lev Jakobson, Vice President of HSE University, and Prof. Andrei Melville, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, addressed the guests on behalf of HSE University. Further addresses were from Symposium Organizing Committee members A.Barabashev (HSE university), Y.Jing (Fudan University), J.A. Puppim de Oliveira (Fundação Getulio Vargas), and V.Tiutiuriukov (HSE University).
Plenary session was opened with the presentation of J.Nemec, Professor at Masaryk University and Matej Bel University, who presented an overview of the public administration reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. The plenary session continued with a review of latest public administration reforms in BRICS countries.
The Symposium continued with five topical sessions:
The Symposium was wrapped up and summarized by the members of Symposium Scientific Committee Y.Jing (Fudan University), C.Tapscott (University of the Western Cape), J.A. Puppim de Oliveira (Fundação Getulio Vargas), A.Barabashev (HSE university), and secretary of Symposium Organizing Committee V.Tiutiuriukov (HSE University).
Symposium program (PDF, 264 Кб)
Following the Symposium we are working on the special issues of the journals “Global Public Policy and Governance” and “Public Administration Issues”.
We would like to thank doctoral students of HSE University Ivan Makarov, Anna Mordashova, Stanislav Razumovsky and Ilya Stepanov for their valuable technical assistance during the Symposium.