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Shared Territories and Multilevel Polities: A Heterarchical Approach (Семинар по современным вопросам политической науки)

Мероприятие завершено

25 октября на факультете социальных наук НИУ ВШЭ состоится очередное заседание семинара по современным вопросам политической науки.

Докладчик: Dejan Stjepanovic, Университет Данди, Великобритания

Тема: Shared Territories and Multilevel Polities: A Heterarchical Approach

The presentation/lecture is based on a working paper investigating condominium-like territories in nested, multilevel constellations. Condominiums, territories shared between sovereign states have been rare in practice and almost equally neglected by the theories of federalism and territorial politics. Comparative analysis of sub-state or sub-union condominiums, territories shared by constituent units, beyond some research on federal capitals, has been missing altogether. The aim is not only to fill a significant theoretical gap, while introducing the notion of heterarchy, but also, in the long run,  to explicate crucial policy implications of shared territories in the context of multinational federal states and regional unions. This comparative analysis and transformative theoretical endeavour will lead to a) the introduction of the 'shared territories' paradigm to the federalism and territorial politics literature and b) rethinking of policy choices by providing appropriate and a so far missing toolset for political conflict/territorial dispute resolution that goes beyond exclusive sovereignty.The aim of the presentation/lecture is to introduce the theoretical model and receive feedback from HSE academic community.

Рабочий язык: английский.

Адрес: Кривоколенный пер., 3, ауд. 3-204.

Начало: 25 октября, 16:40.

Если вам необходим пропуск, зарегистрируйтесь, пожалуйста, по адресу: apetrushenkova@hse.ru (не позднее 24 октября, 17:00)


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