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2023 Fifth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN), 18-20 september.2023

Корякина М. М., Агранович О. Е., Bermúdez-Margaretto B. et al.

IEEE, 2023.

The Influence of Body Posture on the Mirror Neuron System

Aynur A. Ragimova, Carlos M. Nieto-Doval, Mikhail I. Salamatin et al.

Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2024. Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 439-455.

Book chapter
Attenuation of Evoked Responses Elicited by Hand Action Words During EEG Mismatch Negativity Recordings in Children with Motor Impairments

Bredikhin D., Kopytin G., Ulanov M. et al.

In bk.: 10TH mismatch negativity conference. The Neuronal Basis of MMN and its Clinical Applications. 2024. P. 155-155.

Working paper
Difficulty overdose? Inconclusive effect of the disfluent font on reading in second language

Tsigeman E., Likhanov M., Kalinnikova L. et al.

00. 00. PsyArXiv Preprints, 2024

Research & Expertise – News

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Positive Experience of Regulating Ethno-Social and Ethno-Cultural Processes in the Regions of the Russian Federation
CSCR members participated in the All-Russian scientific conference "Positive experience of regulating ethno-social and ethno-cultural processes in the regions of the Russian Federation" in Kazan on June 26-29.

The relationship of belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward politicians with different leadership styles

The relationship of belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward politicians with different leadership styles
Alexander Gnezdilov described the results of his study

Factors of institutional trust formation in countries with different political regimes

Factors of institutional trust formation in countries with different political regimes
Vladislav Sychev spoke about the main results of the study

Constructing collective identity in the interaction of protests and counter-protests in online environments

Constructing collective identity in the interaction of protests and counter-protests in online environments
Valeria Koncha and Andrei Akhremenko spoke about their research

Student Research Paper Competition 2023 Begins

Awarding of the SRPC competition laureates, February 2023
On September 1st, a new season of the open Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) started. This competition is aimed at developing the potential of university students who are interested in academic activities. Students, as well as 2023 graduates of Russian and foreign universities, can submit their papers for the competition until October 15th, 2023. This year SRPC turns 20 years old, throughout the competition’s history, Vadim Radaev, HSE University’s First Vice Rector, has been the chair of the organising committee. In today’s interview, he talks about the history of the competition and the key stages in its development.

On April 21, Azhariya Karimova and Ekaterina Bushina presented at the XXI International Conference of Young Scientists “Vectors”

On April 21, 2023, at the XXI International Conference of Young Scientists “Vectors”, within the framework of the section “Breaking Borders, Constructing Differences: Cultural and Symbolic Dimensions of Inequality”, Center members Ekaterina Bushina and Azhariya Karimova made a report on the topic “The influence of ethnicity on the perception of the roles of ethnic minorities in situations of school bullying by Russian schoolchildren: factorial design"

Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University

Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University
The start of a new academic year is an excellent time to plan the next steps in your academic career. On September 1, HSE University announced the start of its annual Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC-2022). Participation is open to students of Russian and international universities and to 2022 graduates. Last year, a total of 2,196 papers were submitted to the SRPC, of which 435 were from external participants.

What Does the Brain Look Like When Doing Math?

What Does the Brain Look Like When Doing Math?
In her open lecture on November 17, Dr. Marie Arsalidou, Head of the HSE Neuropsy Lab and Co-Director of the Science of Learning and Assessment (SOLA) Master’s at IOE, will share enthralling insights from neuroscience into what happens to our brain when we engage in solving math problems and how this knowledge could help bolster learning and development.

Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University

Student Research Paper Competition 2021 Kicks Off at HSE University
The annual HSE Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC) helps young researchers try their hand in a real academic competition, where leading experts and professionals from HSE University assess their research papers. This year, participation will be open from September 1 to October 15.

‘All of the Most Interesting Research Today Happens at the Borders between Different Disciplines’

‘All of the Most Interesting Research Today Happens at the Borders between Different Disciplines’
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has approved a new nomenclature of specializations in which academic degrees are conferred in Russia. The new list includes 21 new fields, including cognitive science. Maria Falikman, Head of the HSE School of Psychology, discusses the history of cognitive science, its formation at HSE, and its prospects for development.