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Factors Determining Lay Perception of Violence: Results of an Experimental Study

Maria Rodionova presented preliminary results of her dissertation research at the seminar of the Research LabMaria Rodionova presented preliminary results of her dissertation research at the seminar of the research and training laboratory

Factors Determining Lay Perception of Violence: Results of an Experimental Study

Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

The seminar discussed the preliminary results of the dissertation research, which focuses on the determinants of the lay perception of interpersonal violence.

The study examines the relationship between different components of a complex subjective evaluation of a violent act (evaluation of violence, harm, attribution of blame, and lay moral and legal evaluation). Moreover, it investigates how manipulated experimental factors determine the different components of this evaluation. Such factors include the institutional context of the action, the degree of proximity of the subject and object of violence, prior conflict events, the degree of intentionality, and the type of harm.

It is shown that the subjective evaluation of violence is determined by the degree of intentionality of the act and the type of harm. It is shown that the model remains stable when covariates and control variables are added to the model. Moreover, it is shown that subjective evaluation of violence is closely related to lay moral and legal evaluation.