The relationship of belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward politicians with different leadership styles
Alexander Gnezdilov described the results of his study
Factors of institutional trust formation in countries with different political regimes
Vladislav Sychev spoke about the main results of the study
Citizens' attitudes towards the collection of personal data by the state: design of an online survey experiment
Anton Sizov, Maria Rodionova and Andrey Akhremenko spoke about the design of the upcoming online survey experiment
Constructing collective identity in the interaction of protests and counter-protests in online environments
Valeria Koncha and Andrei Akhremenko spoke about their research
Analyzing attitudes towards e-government services: a study on social media data
V.Y. Egorov and I.B. Filippov presented a study of attitudes to digital government, carried out under the guidance of the leading researcher of the laboratory Andrei Sergeevich Akhremenko.