The head of the Research and Study Group "Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities" Isupova Olga Genrikhovna at the Nauka.Me Lecture Hall
Theme: "Feminism and gender theory: contemporary problems".
On the features of public service for women
On October 24, a seminar of the Research and Study Group "Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities" was held.
Discrimination in Russia and the United Kingdom
On the 19th of September 2018 the seminar of the Research and Study Group "Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities" was held

Valeriya Utkina in Cambridge
A co-head of the Research Group Valeriya Utkina participated in the 2018 Annual Conference of the British association of Slavonic and East European Studies (BASSES)
The RSG at "Lomonosov-2018"
Ekaterina Chemankova participated in Young Researchers Conference