Выступление участницы проектной группы Марии Давиденко на BASEES Annual Conference 2022
9 апреля 2022 года участница группы Мария Давиденко выступила на BASEES Annual Conference 2022 с презентацией Media coverage of intimate partner violence incidents in Russia amid the conservative turn.
Аннотация выступления: Some researchers have identified 2017-2018 as a time when feminist discourse emerged in the Russian media, with the topic of domestic violence as one of the main sub-discourses. This holds the promise that mainstream media can act as an agent of positive social change in relation to gender issues, even amid a broader “conservative turn.” This study interrogates this argument by examining representations of intimate partner violence (IPV) incidents in Russian media during the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when increased attention was given to the global “shadow pandemic” of violence in the home.
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