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Book chapter
The Noëtic Orientations Test (NOT): A Multiscale Russian Modification of the Purpose-in-Life Test

Leontiev D., Osin E.

In bk.: Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, vol 2.. Vol. 2. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 229-240.

Working paper
Difficulty overdose? Inconclusive effect of the disfluent font on reading in second language

Tsigeman-Gorenko E., Likhanov M., Kalinnikova L. et al.

00. 00. PsyArXiv Preprints, 2024

Tag "Laboratory for the Neurobiological Foundations of Cognitive Development" – News

Invitation to an open lecture "Building a Better Brain"

Invitation to an open lecture "Building a Better Brain"
Neuropsy Lab and new Master's program "Science of Learning and Assessment" invite you to an open lecture by Dr. Marie Arsalidou "Building a Better Brain".