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Book chapter
The Noëtic Orientations Test (NOT): A Multiscale Russian Modification of the Purpose-in-Life Test

Leontiev D., Osin E.

In bk.: Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, vol 2.. Vol. 2. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 229-240.

Working paper
Difficulty overdose? Inconclusive effect of the disfluent font on reading in second language

Tsigeman-Gorenko E., Likhanov M., Kalinnikova L. et al.

00. 00. PsyArXiv Preprints, 2024

Tag "THE ranking" – News

HSE Achieves Greater Prominence in THE Subject Rankings

HSE Achieves Greater Prominence in THE Subject Rankings
The Higher School of Economics has been included in the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking for psychology for the first time, placing in the 151-175 group. HSE also retained its ranking for the physical sciences (401-500) that it has held since last year.