Introducing the Working Group “The Discursive Dimension of Foreign-Policy Decision-Making: A Comparative Study of Change and Continuity in Russia's Public Discourse”
On October 17 the Working Group on the discursive dimension of foreign policy decision-making in Russia held an introductory seminar “Russian Discursive Space: conceptual “core” and situational “periphery.”
The seminar delved into research design and theoretical framework underlying the Working Group’s operation, with individual members elaborating on their research. A highlight of the session was the unveiling of the group's practical research feature: a comprehensive database consisting of discursive acts related to the national security of the Russian Federation.
This database, structured on an innovative categorization system of discursive acts (namely "invariant core” of Russia’s public discourse, event-reactive "new regularities," and irregular discursive acts), is expected to play a pivotal role in the Working Group's upcoming research projects.
As the seminar concluded, the blueprint for the group's goals and aspirations for the upcoming year was also presented.
For access to the seminar recording and presentation, please reach out to the Working Group’s coordinator, Sukhayl Niyazov, at