HSE Russia Strategic Studies Working Group - Introducing Second Stage Research
On the 3th of February the Russian Strategic Studies Working Group will conduct its fifth seminar in the framework of our HSE Working Group on Russian strategic studies that will support student-led research on Russia's security strategy in the twenty–first century. This seminar will examine the results of the students’ research work submitted the week before. Ph.D. candidates Artem Maltsev and Pavel Devyatkin will lead discussion of best practices, recommendations for future submitted work, opportunities for publication, and further contextualized the stage work in the research project as a whole. The timeline for the rest of the research project from February 2023 to May 2023 would also be outlined. Prof. Iain Ferguson will present a report on the logic to the rhetoric behind “strategic stability,” Russia’s peacemaking, and the contribution of the research to the academic field of strategic studies.
The seminar on 3th of February will take place at the Мясницкая ул., д. 11, class 325 at 18:00
Link: Zoom