The 14th ACME Research Seminar
The members of the 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 1st session of the Research Seminar in 2018.
The head of the ACME Group W. Joseph MacInnes gave an invited lecture at the Dahousi University
The head of the 'Attention, Computational modelling and Eye Movements' Research and Sudy Group W. Joseph MacInnes gave an invited talk 'IOR and facilitation.'
The 9th ACME Research Seminar
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 9th Research Seminar
The 8th ACME Research Seminar
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 8th Research Seminar
The ACME members took part in ECVP 2017
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group members paticipated in The 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP 2017.
The 7th ACME Research Seminar
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 7th Research Seminar dedicated to genetic algorithms for leaky integrate and fire layer of the saliency model.
The 4th ACME Research Seminar: Restricted Boltzman machines
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 4th Research Seminar dedicated to Restricted Boltzman machines
The 3rd ACME Research Seminar: Diffusion models of Manual and Saccadic Reaction Times
The 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 3rd Research Seminar dedicated to diffusion models
The 2nd ACME Research Seminar: Salience models of vision and search
The members of the 'Attention, Computational Models and Eye Movements' (ACME) Research and Study Group conducted the 2nd Research Seminar dedicated to salience models of vision and search.
The members of the ACME Research and Study Group met for the first time
In the course of the seminar the group members presented the outline of the project and approved the project coordinator and the person responsible for the website.