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Regular version of the site

Seminars 2020

Seminar 1, 21.01.2020: Introduction to the Narrative Policy Framework and the Research Project
Seminar 2, 07.02.2020: Form and content of policy narratives
Seminar 3, 18.02.2020: Data collection
Seminar 4, 03.03.2020: Data collection - interim results

Seminar 5, 28.03.2020: Coding documents for quantitative content analysis (1)
Part 1

Part 2

Seminar 6, 03.04.2020: Coding documents for quantitative content analysis (2)

Coding p.1 (PDF, 145 Kb) 

Coding p.2 (PDF, 142 Kb) 

Video from the seminar:

7th seminar, 10.04.2020: Coding documents for quantitative content analysis (3)

Coding p.3 (PDF, 297 Кб) 

8th seminar, 17.04.2020: Coding documents for quantitative content analysis (4)

Coding p.4 (PDF, 759 Kb) 

9th seminar, 28.04.2020: Coding documents for quantitative content analysis (5)

Coding p.5 (PDF, 192 Kb) 

10th seminar, 21.05.2020: Quantitative Analysis of Narratives

Coding prelim. results (PDF, 421 Kb) 

The serie of seminars with groups' presentations (30 July; 06, 13 and 20 August)

Seminar 11, 30.07.2020: First results: Narrative Strategies in an Authoritarian Setting: Moscow’s Urban Policy Debates

NUG seminar 30 July (PDF, 494 Кб) 

Seminar 12, 6.08.2020: First results: Narratives in an Authoritarian Environment: Plots and Narrative Strategies in Moscow’s Public Transport Reform Debate - https://zoom.us/rec/share/6MlHHe3VpyRIZdbJ4VucQKMaM9_sT6a8gCUX_acPxBzpqPOeUf6dKuq6-o1nP36p     Password: .sC&a!1n

Seminar 13, 13.08.2020: First results: Narrating Moscow’s Housing ‘Renovation’: power and constraint in contests over urban policymaking

Seminar 14, 20.08.2020: First results: Problem complexity and narratives in Moscow’s waste controversy

Part 1

Part 2

Seminar 15, 04.09.2020: Feedback from the ECPR conference


NUG feedback ECPR (PDF, 431 Кб) 

Seminar 16, 24.09.2020 : Next steps for the NUG

Seminar 17, 13.11.2020: Critical theory, interpretivism and policy narratives' analysis

 Critical and Interpretative Approaches to Narrative (PPTX, 2.43 Мб) 

Video: https://zoom.us/rec/share/TUi_lUtBimRSOFJLwZvgoYWb6vS656rHvMuJIl9nfegGmknsCDqxw6dXItjxumY.hV8iAQW8NOKhCC8a?startTime=1605265394000   Passcode: *b^11Pmc




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