Preparations for data collection
The main sources of narratives for analysis are various texts, and in order not to get lost in the streams of information, members of our group need to identify priority data sources. The third seminar of the research and study group "Policy Narratives in Moscow" was devoted to the study of issues related to the selection of texts, and to determine the time frame for the relevance of the selected data.
The analysis of narratives requires a significant base of sources (at least 200) and sets its own criteria for the analytical significance of a text. Even a short interview or publication on social networks can contain brightly sustained narrative elements and therefore, for a better analysis, we are going to take not only official media publications, interviews and news, but also information from blogs, groups on social networks, expert publications, and even tweets. This will allow us to more accurately form an understanding of the type and strategy contained in the narrative and, if necessary, to track its development and possible branches from the main plot of the story told by the actors involved.
Over the coming weeks, groups will have to collect the primary data array, which then, as a result of a more detailed selection, will be sifted to save only those texts that contain elements of the narrative (s)
Presentation - Data collection