Data analysis and categorizations' improvement
The summer vacations are coming to an end, and with them our work on categorizing the collected data. The next big step is the application of qualitative content analysis method to highlight the characteristics of narratives about the renovation program in Moscow.
Subtext and the degree of an author's involvement: what can qualitative analysis of narratives tell us about the actors involved in the process?
As part of our work on categorizing data, we continue to develop the theme of context and subtext reflected in the narratives about the Moscow renovation program. The degree of directness of the address to the audience and the extent to which the author is impersonal or involved in what is happening is not only a distinguishing feature between the narratives of the city administration and concerned citizens, but also an important element for understanding how and why political issues are reflected in the texts.

Categorization and the codebook's development
After the discussion on the research question, we move on and begin to work out those categories and codes that will be used for the final analysis. At this seminar, we discussed how they should look for a qualitative analysis and how informative they can be in this context.
Meeting the new members, plans for the further research and Marina Pilkina's presentation
The group's work continues and we are taking the first steps in formulating research questions for the study. With the focus on qualitative analysis we can work not only with new data that we plan to collect through interviews, but also with already collected texts that we used earlier for quantitative analysis of narratives.

Critical theory, interpretivism and policy narratives' analysis
How systematic is our understanding of policy narratives? After a lot of work on analyzing them in the Moscow policy debate, our colleague Viktor Albert tried to summarize some of the weaknesses of the approaches and methods of narrative analysis.

Groups' presentations
In July, representatives of our NUG were engaged in writing and preparing their presentations at the General Conference of the ECPR. To make this process more fruitful, we have held several workshops with rehearsal presentations and discussions on their content.