Meeting the new members, plans for the further research and Marina Pilkina's presentation
The group's work continues and we are taking the first steps in formulating research questions for the study. With the focus on qualitative analysis we can work not only with new data that we plan to collect through interviews, but also with already collected texts that we used earlier for quantitative analysis of narratives.
We continue our online seminars and set the stage for further research on the operationalization of the narratives used by the parties of the debate on the case of the Moscow Housing Renovation Program. We will use qualitative content analysis to work with the texts and re-evaluate their "narrativeness". We will try to find out whether the narrators consciously resort to the use of narrative techniques and strategies, and also focus our attention on the context of such narratives.
The second part of the seminar was devoted to the presentation of the group member - Maria Pilkina. This Saturday she is reporting at a conference organized by the American Midwest Political Science Association on the "Non-State Actors and Environmental Activism" section. We organized a test presentation with questions and discussion.
Video is available in Seminars section