Seminar on data collection interim results
The data collection process is in full play and this time, the participants of our group gathered at a seminar to discuss preliminary results of data collection and to analyze the difficulties that arise during the process.
At the moment, we have already collected more than 600 texts related to narratives that have formed around the process of renovation, public transport reforms and the situation with waste management in the city. Despite the serious work done, the participants have to collect and supplement the existing data. To coordinate this process, at the seminar we discussed the priority of sources (for example, in two of the three areas we need more data from government sources) and how deeply we want to analyze different mass media. In addition, a separate discussion topic was devoted to a strategy for collecting information from social networks, in particular Facebook, since the number of publications in thematic groups is very large and we need to establish clear criteria for selecting texts to reduce the amount of data taken from this social network.
After the discussion, it was decided to approve March 13th as the final date for data collection process.
Presentation: Data collection, interim results