Сompetition for Research and Teaching Laboratories
Applications shall be accepted until April 1 and reviewed by scientific committees of HSE faculties. Authors of successful applications shall make presentations of their RTL projects to the competition committee.
The competition procedure is comprised of two stages.
Stage 1. Applications are submitted by faculties and reviewed by scientific committees of HSE faculties. Based on the review results, the relevant scientific committee shall recommend up to three projects for further consideration at Stage 2.
For each recommended application, the faculty’s scientific committee should provide a form, which describes the RTL’s potential contribution to the development of the faculty’s research and educational activities, a set of criteria for assessment of the RTL’s performance (with due consideration of its specific agenda and the faculty’s additional operations), as well as information with respect to co-financing, which will be allocated by the faculty.
Stage 2. Authors of successful applications (admitted to Stage 2) shall make presentations of their RTL projects to the competition committee. The prospective RTL’s head and students expected to be engaged in its operations should take part in the presentation.
More details, including the required documents, are available here.
Applications shall be accepted until April 1, 2019. Please submit completed applications to the executive secretary of the FSC Scientific Committee Maxim Gladyshev at mgladyshev@hse.ru.