HSE Russia Strategic Studies Working Group - First Research Assignment Seminar
On the 22th of December the Russian Strategic Studies Working Group will conduct its fourth seminar in the framework of our HSE Working Group on Russian strategic studies that will support student-led research on Russia's security strategy in the twenty–first century. This seminar will provide a technical consultation to students working on the first stage research project that examines the role of the symbol “stability” in Russia’s National Security Strategies from 2009, 2015, and 2021. Ph.D. candidates Artem Maltsev and Pavel Devyatkin will lead a discussion of the project methodology, research design, and upcoming work for the period of December 2022 to Summer 2023.
The seminar on 22th of December will take place at the Myastniskaya, 20, МС20/224 classroom at 18:00
Link: Zoom