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Новая книга о федерализме в Африке

Издательством Springer опубликована книга "Federalism and Decentralization in Africa Globalization and Fragmentation in Territorial Arrangements". Авторами выступили сотрудники Центра изучения стабильности и рисков Леонид Исаев и Андрей Захаров.

Авторы издания рассматривают причины фрагментации и децентрализации в странах Африки, обращают внимание на механизмы, формы и модели децентрализации, существующие в Африке на сегодняшний день, а также рассуждают о потенциале федерализма при решении конфликтов на континенте.


This book examines the challenges and opportunities of administrative and territorial reconstruction in Africa from independence until the present time. In light of the rise of separatist movements in various African states and the ethnic, linguistic, and religious heterogeneity of many African societies, the book sheds new light on the fragmentation and decentralization of the African continent. The authors analyze the mechanisms, forms, and models of decentralization practiced today in Africa, taking into account both federalist and unitary experiences of decentralization, and discuss the potential of federalism to resolve conflicts within the continent. The generalizations made in the course of such an analysis can significantly enrich the current vision of the development of the African continent and its future prospects. The book will appeal to scholars and students of political science and African studies.

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