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Power and leadership in small Russian monotowns

Valeri Ledyaev, Chirikova A., Ryabova O.

Journal of Urban Affairs. 2025. Vol. 47. No. 2. P. 702-722.

Book chapter
Simulation and Optimization in the Tasks of Organizing Labor Resources in the Context of Digitalization

Aristova N., Chadeev V., Iakimova O.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-4.


‘One Needs to Be Patient, Even When the Problems are Urgent and Require Fast Solutions’

Karl Bruckmeier is an environmental sociologist and since 2011 he has been a professor at the Analysis of Social Institutions Department at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. He talked to the HSE English News Service about the challenges of being an interdisciplinary academic and about the pace of change in Russia in attitudes towards the environment. Anna Chernyakhovskaya began the interview by asking Professor Bruckmeier about his life at HSE.

PISA Results Linked to More than Education System

HSE’s Institute of Education hosted a visit by University of Arizona Professor Emeritus David Berliner. In an interview with the Institute, Professor Berliner discussed problems of schooling in the U.S. and Russia, possible ways of evaluating the work of instructors, and also how the results of international educational research should be factored into decision-making.

To Enjoy Academic Freedom at the HSE

Dr. Dina Balalaeva, who will begin a tenure-track position at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the HSE in September, recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the HSE. She received her PhD in Political Science at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 2013. She agreed to speak with the HSE news service about her decision to make her career at the HSE and her plans for future research and teaching.

Social Movements Now and Then: How People Make History

Sociologists have developed a variety of theories and empirical research on social movements that are closely connected with democracy. Why do people join and stay in social movements? What happens to them when participants achieve their goals? Benjamin Lind, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and author of the course 'History of Social Movements', explained what makes the subject relevant nowadays and shared his own experience with social movements in an interview for the HSE news service.

In a Dialogue with the International Academic Community

The seminar, called ‘Cultural Practices, Social Participation and Voluntary Associations’, was presented by Sarah Busse Spencer, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the HSE.

A Sociological Approach to Understanding Corruption

Corruption is a burning issue in Russia that won’t go away. What is the general attitude to corruption in Russia and other countries, and why does it draw so much public attention? How should we study this phenomenon?Lili Di Puppo, Associate Professor at the HSE Faculty of Sociology, author of the course ‘The Sociology of Corruption’  talked to the HSE news service, to help shed some light on the matter.

Married and Rich Drink more than Poor and Single

Alcohol consumption in Russia depends on the individual’s social status, age, and education. Successful, educated, married middle-aged men drink more. They prefer wine, whiskey, rum, and tequila. Less successful individuals choose cheap local brands, mostly beer and vodka, Petr Martynenko and Yana Roshchina say in their study ‘Alcohol consumption as a social group indicator in modern Russian cities’

Sociological Approaches to Urban Environmentalism and Compassion in Healthcare

HSE Assistant Professor of Sociology Ruben Flores, PhD talked to the HSE news portal about his presentations at the ASA and ESA sociology conferences this summer, about forthcoming sociology seminars at HSE and about why living in Moscow is interesting for sociologists.

At the HSE there is much more time to think, do research and to write

John P. Round is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies. We’d like to thank John who kindly shared his experience.

‘Exploring Entrepreneurship’ Summer School: Results and Impressions

Entrepreneurship influences economics, social relations, and the dynamics of global development, and, of course, it needs to be studied on an interdisciplinary level. The European Summer School ‘Exploring Entrepreneurship’, of which the HSE is a founder and participant, recently took place in Thessaloniki (Greece).