Machine learning and cognitive competence
We presented preliminary results and discussed the output in context of machine learning approaches and practical applications in educational settings.
Mental Attentional Capacity and Eye Tracking
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between eye-tracking indices and mental attentional capacity. In the sphere of education, this research would provide an objective way to assess cognitive load of various school assignments and tailor the curriculum to children’s developmental changes. It could also potentially serve to develop a reliable, culture fair and simple alternative to current intelligence measures, sensitive to factors such as motivation, effort and strategy use.
Data dissemination
The seminar on data dissemination took place on April 30 at Psychology department.

Visual foraging in children: A promising avenue for studying cognitive development?
Visiting Scholar Árni Kristjánsson from University of Iceland gave the seminar on visual foraging.
Brain and hemispheric dominance
The seminar discussed hemispheric dominance with examples from fMRI studies on mathematical cognition.
Seminar on fMRI meta-analyses II of II
The second seminar on fMRI meta-analyses reviewed methods for organizing data from original articles and focused on experiment selection and statistical thresholding options for single and contrast studies.
fMRI Experimental Design I: Mathematical Cognition
This seminar summarized various methods that have been used for study mental processes related to numbers and calculations.