Tag "conferences & seminars"

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Programme in Quantitative Methods of Social Research is in all likelihood the most prestigious summer school in the social sciences. Every year, the University of Michigan welcomes thousands of young researchers who are looking to develop their research skills under the supervision of world renowned professionals. Maxim Rudnev, Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness, shared his experience of the programme.
Ekaterina Mikhailova, an HSE Doctoral Student, Spoke at an International Geographic Union Conference

From November 19 to 22, 2015, Gulnara Minnigaleeva, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management in Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations and Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Studies in Non-Commercial Sector, participated in events held by two important organizations related to the non-profit sector and civil society in North America.
From the 5-9 August the Fourth Global International Studies Conference organised by the World International Studies Committee took place in Frankfurt. The dean of the the HSE Social Studies Faculty, Andrei Melville, spoke in his capacity as Chairman of the Programme Committee.
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