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Tag "conferences & seminars"

Students at the Annual International Conference "Carpe Scientiam: Reaching ESG Goals in the Time of Global Changes"

Students at the Annual International Conference "Carpe Scientiam: Reaching ESG Goals in the Time of Global Changes"
On November 29, 2023, students from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Research University (Higher School of Economics) participated in the annual international conference "Carpe Scientiam; reaching ESG goals in the time of global changes", organized by the Higher School of State Audit Lomonosov Moscow State University.

International Scientific Conference “Russia and the Greater Mediterranean 2023. Human in the face of a new energy agenda”

International Scientific Conference “Russia and the Greater Mediterranean 2023. Human in the face of a new energy agenda”
On October 26-28, 2023, the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and HSE University successfully hosted a discussion on the problems facing the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. Mateo Rojas Samper, a 2nd year student of the program, took part and shared his insight of the event.

Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity

Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity
On April 12, 2023, within the framework of the XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a session "Sociocultural Potential of Museums: Identity and Local Solidarity" was held (Moderator: N. Bolshakov (ILSIR, HSE University). 

The Role of Strategic Stability in Russian Foreign Policy

The Role of Strategic Stability in Russian Foreign Policy
The HSE Working Group “Russia Strategic Studies” in partnership with the IMEMO’s Center for International Security has conducted a joint seminar “The Role of Strategic Stability in Russian Foreign Policy”.

Faculty of Social Sciences Launches New Joint Seminar Series with New York University

Faculty of Social Sciences Launches New Joint Seminar Series with New York University
In November 2021, HSE University’s School of Politics and Governance and the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University) started a new partnership project that involves regular joint online seminars. Denis Stukal, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Deputy Director of the Institute for Applied Political Studies, has commented on the initiative.

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium

CIAM-WYA Youth Synod Colloquium
The CIAM-WYA Synod Colloquium is a joint international conference hosted by Centro Internazionale Di Animazione Missionaria (CIAM), for the most outstanding members of World Youth Alliance in Vatican (Rome, Italy) held from 4 to 10 December 2017. Our student, Satria Rizaldi Alchatib ,  and 11 participants were chosen through a joint process of nomination and application.

Working Emotional Intelligence in Business and Education

The Master Programme "Psychology in Business" HSE, together with the European Association of Cultural and Emotional Intelligent Projects (EACEIP), the International Center of the Coaching Training Consulting (CTC), and the International Network of Children's Schools for the Development of Emotional Intelligence (EI CHILDREN) took part in the organization and holding of the First International Science -Practical Conference "Working Emotional Intellect in Business and Education".

Tools of modern coaching from the leading coaches of our country

Almanac of the Fourth Scientific and Practical Conference "Business Psychology: Theory and Practice", November 16-19, 2017.

‘Growing a Person-Centered Society in Europe’, Symposium in Switzerland

From April 15 th  -17 th , 2016, a symposium entitled ‘Growing a Person-Centered Society in Europe’ took place in Lausanne. It was organized by the Network of European Associations for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (PCE Europe). Veniamin Kolpachnikov, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology of Personality, who participated in the symposium, shared some details about the event.

Nikita Savin at Midwest Political Science Association Conference

Nikita Savin at Midwest Political Science Association Conference
From April 7 – 10, 2016, the 74th annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Conference took place in Chicago. The MPSA Conference is one of the most respected events in the political scientists’ professional community. Papers in over than 80 sections in various political science research areas were presented at the conference. The conference attracted over 6,000 political scientists, economists and sociologists from 70 countries, including Nikita Savin, lecturer at the HSE School of Political Science.

Convergence in the Modern World: Ideas, Disciplines and Researchers Come Closer

Convergence in the Modern World: Ideas, Disciplines and Researchers Come Closer
On November 20th and 21st, 2015, an international conference ‘Convergence in a Complex World – Social, Political and Economic Perspectives’ took place in Germany. Olga Komshukova, second-year student of the master’s programme ‘Politics. Economics. Philosophy’ told us about her participation in the event.

Art as a Research Tool

The First International Summer Workshop on Alternative Methods in Social Research, which took place from July 13th to 19th 2015, in Barcelona, was dedicated to hybrid methods of evaluation in the arts and life sciences. Anna Paukova, lecturer at the HSE School of Psychology (Department of Psychology of Personality) participated in the event.

Coffee, R, and Big Data: Summer Programme in Methods of Social Research in Ann Arbor

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Programme in Quantitative Methods of Social Research is in all likelihood the most prestigious summer school in the social sciences. Every year, the University of Michigan welcomes thousands of young researchers who are looking to develop their research skills under the supervision of world renowned professionals. Maxim Rudnev, Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Studies in Mass Consciousness, shared his experience of the programme.

Ekaterina Mikhailova, an HSE Doctoral Student, Spoke at an International Geographic Union Conference

Ekaterina Mikhailova, an HSE Doctoral Student, Spoke at an International Geographic Union Conference
From August 17 – 21, 2015, a regional conference of the International Geographic Union entitled ‘Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth’, took place in Moscow. Ekaterina Mikhailova, doctoral student at the Department of Spatial Development and Regional Studies, and participant in the conference, shared some of the most interesting ideas she managed to discuss during the event.  

Border Policies and Cooperation Discussed in Israel

From December 7 to 11, 2014, an international conference called ‘Borders in the Interface: bordering Europe, Africa and Middle East’, took place in Israel. Organized by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva together with the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, the event brought researchers from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America to present research on border cooperation and policies.

Gulnara Minnigaleeva Takes Part in Academic Events on Non-profit Sector Development

From November 19 to 22, 2015, Gulnara Minnigaleeva, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management in Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations and Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Studies in Non-Commercial Sector, participated in events held by two important organizations related to the non-profit sector and civil society in North America.

HSE Political Scientists at the World International Studies Committee Conference

From the 5-9 August the Fourth Global International Studies Conference organised by the World International Studies Committee took place in Frankfurt. The dean of the the HSE Social Studies Faculty, Andrei Melville, spoke in his capacity as Chairman of the Programme Committee.


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