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В преподавании и научной работе кафедра призвана сочетать, с одной стороны, универсализм фундаментальной социологии, ее полипарадигмальность, тяготение к макромоделированию социальных процессов и, с другой стороны, “проработку деталей” в реконструкции социальных картин общества, исследовательский интерес к миру повседневности и личности. Преподавание и исследования, проводящиеся на кафедре, сориентированы на международные стандарты и развитие.
Под редакцией: Д. В. Ефременко
Т. 1: Теория и метод социологии. М.: ИНИОН РАН, 2025.
Пути России. Журнал cоциальных и этнографических исследований. 2024. Т. 2. № 3. С. 105-127.
Alekhina S., Kozlova M. A.
In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. Ch. 9. P. 169-188.
Volkova G., Никишин Е. А.
Basic research program. WP BRP. National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2019. No. 103.
Iarskaia-Smirnova E. R., Rasell M., Romanov P. V., Шмидт В. Р., Phillips S., Bernstein F., Zavirsek D., Fieseler B.
Научный редактор: E. R. Iarskaia-Smirnova, M. Rasell.
Routledge, 2013.
Ключевые слова: disability, Central and Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, Russia, everyday life
Conceptualising disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union 1
Michael Rasell and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova
Soviet style welfare: the disabled soldiers of the Great Patriotic War 36
Beate Fieseler
Prosthetic promise and Potemkin limbs in late-Stalinist Russia 83
Frances Bernstein
Heroes and spongers: the iconography of disability in Soviet poster and film 126
Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Pavel Romanov
Between disabling disorders and mundane nervousness: representations of psychiatric
patients and their distress in soviet and post-soviet Latvia 172
Agita Luse and Daiga Kamerade
Living with a disability in Hungary: reconstructing the narratives of disabled students 221
Eszter Gábor
Citizens or ‘dead souls?’ An anthropological perspective on disability and citizenship
in post-Soviet Ukraine 261
Sarah Phillips
Breaking the silence: disability and sexuality in contemporary Bulgaria 300
Teodor Mladenov
‘Those who do not work shall not eat!’ A comparative perspective on the ideology
of work within Eastern European disability discourses 348
Darja Zaviršek
The challenges of operationalizing a human rights approach to disability in Central
Asia 389
Hisayo Katsui
The complex role of non-governmental organisations in the advancing the inclusion
of children with disabilities in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Bulgaria 432
Majda Becirevic and Monica Dowling
Lost in transition: missed opportunities for reforming disabled children’s education
in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia 470
Viktoria Shmidt