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Интервью с Кеном Шелдоном на сайте факультета психологии

Позитивная психология хочет проводить строгие исследования для понимания того, «какая жизнь – хорошая жизнь?»

Позитивная психология хочет проводить строгие исследования для понимания того, «какая жизнь – хорошая жизнь?»

В июне зарубежный руководитель Международной лаборатории позитивной психологии, личности и мотивации ВШЭ, профессор Университета Миссури (Колумбия, США) Кеннон Шелдон прочитал курс лекций в московском кампусе ВШЭ по позитивной психологии, психологии мотивации, самодетерминации, исследованиям счастья и субъективного благополучия, современным исследованиям психологии личности. Он обсудил с учеными и практиками ряд сложнейших вопросов психологии свободы и выбора, субъективной удовлетворенности жизнью, а также представил собственный подход к мотивации и личности. Специально для сайта факультета профессор Шелдон ответил на несколько вопросов о своём опыте и впечатлениях от прибывания в Вышке и Москве

Вот ссылка:  https://social.hse.ru/psy/news/129772613.htm

И для сайта нашей лаборатории английский перевод:
Kennon M. Sheldon is an international scientific adviser of the International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Motivation and Personality in HSE, is a professor at the University of Missouri (Columbia, Missouri, USA), is one of the most well-known experts in the field of psychology of motivation, goals and self-determination in the world, and one of the top 20 most cited social psychologists in USA.

 In June, Professor Sheldon gave a course of lectures at the Moscow campus of HSE, covering the positive psychology movement, the psychology of motivation and self-determination, research on the causes of happiness and well-being, and modern research on general personality theory and personality functioning. The foreign guest discussed, with attenders, practitioners and researchers, some of the most complex issues and questions concerning the psychology of freedom and choice, the causes of well-being and life satisfaction, and the nature of a life well-lived.  He also presented his own self-concordance approach to motivation and personality.




1. Mr. Sheldon, concerning the title of the project, what is the difference between positive and regular psychology?


Positive psychology attempts to correct a "negative bias" in traditional psychology.  The negative bias involves making pessimistic assumptions about human nature, and focusing most research attention on solving psychological problems rather than promoting psychological thriving.  Positive psychology wants to use rigorous research to understand "what is a life well lived?"


2. How do you feel, if the findings of positive psychology could be useful here in Russia?


I think such findings could be very useful.  Russia presents a number of paradoxes for researchers interested in positive psychology and self-determination, given its cultural history and events in the 20th century.  In our meetings and research designs, we are trying to understand how Russians may be helped to better prosper in the modern international world.  


3. What connects the lab research program and worldwide tendencies in psychology?


The researchers here are very interested and informed about positive psychology, but they have not tried very much to publish their research in western journals.  But I think there are lots of good ideas and good data here, that the world needs to know about!


4. As an international adviser of the lab, how would you describe your own role and the main project goal?


My role has been to provide new ideas to the group, critically evaluate their ideas, and plan research studies designed to integrate my ideas and their ideas into a single picture.  My role is also to help this lab make the transition to international publishing, using my extensive experience getting my research funded and published.   


5. What is your first impression of working in HSE and generally in Moscow?


 I am favorably impressed!  Like I said, the faculty here is very well trained and very well informed, and I like them as people, also.  I have never lived in a city as big as Moscow before, so that has taken some adjustment.  But now, I ride a bike all over, including back and forth from Leninsky prospect to Kitay Gorod.