Meeting the new members, plans for the further research and Marina Pilkina's presentation
The group's work continues and we are taking the first steps in formulating research questions for the study. With the focus on qualitative analysis we can work not only with new data that we plan to collect through interviews, but also with already collected texts that we used earlier for quantitative analysis of narratives.
"Our idea was to apply this framework to the Russian context": interview with prof. Caroline Schlaufer on the "Policy narratives in moscow" RGS's results of the first year and role of the students in this project.
Artem Uldanov and Caroline Schlaufer have discussed several questions related to the work of the RGS and also the results of the first year

Research and study group "Policy Narratives in Moscow" will continue its work in 2021!
According to the results of expertise of the first year of work, our research and study group received has been supported by the experts to continue research for another year. We will continue to work on policy narratives in Moscow, try to highlight the specifics of urban policy narratives, and focus on qualitative methods of data analysis. Regular group seminars will resume in April - we will discuss some aspects of the interpretivist approach, qualitative content analysis and our academic plans for this year.
Stay tuned!

Critical theory, interpretivism and policy narratives' analysis
How systematic is our understanding of policy narratives? After a lot of work on analyzing them in the Moscow policy debate, our colleague Viktor Albert tried to summarize some of the weaknesses of the approaches and methods of narrative analysis.
Summarizing the feedback - on the results of participation in the ECPR general conference
In total, four reports directly related to the results of the group's work were made at the conference. On two panels, we presented general comparative results for all three cases, and each of them separately. Overall, the feedback was positive, with peers appreciated the quality of the arguments and the data, but at the same time they made a number of important comments.

Groups' presentations
In July, representatives of our NUG were engaged in writing and preparing their presentations at the General Conference of the ECPR. To make this process more fruitful, we have held several workshops with rehearsal presentations and discussions on their content.