Ella Rossman presentation
21.11.2019 at the seminar of the research and stydy group "Comparative Study of the Situation of Women and Men in Public Authorities" Ella Rossman, visiting scholar of School of Cultural Studies of HSE Faculty of Humanities, presented the results of her research on the topic “The Institute of First Lady: then and now”.

From gender theory to gender policy
In the Soviet period, despite the officially proclaimed gender equality, men and women were not equal in their position in society.

Gender expertise of regulatory documents and public administration: ways to form gender-sensitive state policy in the Russian Federation
On June 13, Marianna Muravieva, a professor at the University of Helsinki and the HSE Faculty of Law, reported at the scientific seminar of the study and research group. The report was devoted to gender expertise of legal documents and public administration, as well as ways of shaping gender-sensitive state policy in Russia.
Women in Public Administration
Today, on the 30th of January, the first research seminar of our Group was held