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E-mail: bmakarenko@hse.ru
Кафедра создана 29 мая 2015 г. Цель кафедры — передача студентам факультета опыта практической работы, как через учебный процесс, так и путем вовлечения их в проекты Центра политических технологий, что повысит конкурентоспособность выпускников факультета на рынке высококачественных консалтинговых услуг.
Макаренко Б. И., Кынев А. В., Медушевский А. Н. и др.
Политическая энциклопедия, 2018.
Политическая наука. 2024. № 2. С. 218-236.
In bk.: LA RUSSIA POST-SOVIETICA Dalla caduta del comunismo a Putin: storia della grande transizione. Milan: Montadori, 2018. P. 13-52.
The speakers were:
Dr. Boris Makarenko (Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE) on “The Conventional Left Surrounded by Populism”;Main theses of the speakers
Boris Makarenko:
Ivan Petrov:
According to the initial hypothesis, in the countries of Western Europe, there really was a transformation of the concepts of left and right within the framework of stretching the spectrum along the socio-cultural axis. At the same time, the socio-economic problems have also not lost their relevance, and after the 2008 crisis it has become more acute.
On the whole, in Western Europe, this period was characterized by a smooth convergence of the positions of party families, as well as a polarization of the party field, which intensified after 2008.
The new parties that have emerged in this period are oriented along the socio-cultural axis, with the exception of those that replace the old parties. At the same time, the socio-cultural axis is still actively represented only at one end - cultural protectionism.
Despite the latter, the appeal to socio-cultural issues has become an important trump card in the spatial struggle for the voter. Due to the latter, in many European countries, where previously there was a system of two party centers, its disintegration in favor of third parties is observed.
Базовая кафедра Центра политических технологий: Заведующий кафедрой
Департамент политики и управления: Приглашенный преподаватель