On December 5, HSE’s School of Public Administration held a lecture by Szabolcs Pasztor, Assistant Professor at the National University of Public Service (NUPS) (Budapest, Hungary), entitled ‘Clientelism in Central and Eastern Europe’. The lecture was the tenth event in the School’s Public Administration Discussion Meeting series, which aims to bring international scholars to HSE and increase global cooperation.
Tag "public administration"
On October 10, the HSE School of Public Administration hosted its monthly discussion series. This month’s event is entitled ‘Stress Test for Public Finances – Policy-Responses to the Financial and Economic Crisis in the OECD’ and was led by Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal of the University of Freiburg (Germany). Professor Wagschal's talk focused on the consequences of massive monetary and fiscal stimulus for the public purse and will compare the fiscal packages in 28 OECD-countries aimed at combating an economic downturn following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Originally from Ontario in Canada, Jesse Campbell has been Assistant Professor at the School of Public Administration since the fall 2014. HSE English News asked him to look back over his first year in Moscow and share his impressions.
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