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The partner universities

!!! Up-to-date information on opportunities to participate in mobility programs in the Spring semester 2022-23 and available places will be posted on the website and sent to group mailboxes as soon as such information becomes available.

University of Edinburgh,

Fields of study:Political science (for students of BA programmes “Political Science”, “Public Administration”)
Level of study:Undergraduate
Language instruction:English

For 2022-23 academic year Erasmus + funding is available:

Fall semester 2022-23 - 6 stipends
Spring semester 2022-23 - 5 stipends

Details: For 2019-2023 Erasmus+ funding is available (3 stipends for spring semester 21-22)


UoE_International Exchange factsheet 2022-23 (PDF, 1.44 Mb) 

ICM Info for Visiting Students (PPTX, 6.28 Мб) 

Learning Agreement template Erasmus+ (DOCX, 102 Кб) 

Free University of Berlin,


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Sociology
Level of study:graduate 
Language instruction:German / English

For 2019-2023 there is an agreement with the Free University of Berlin within  the Erasmus + grant programme.

Moscow office FUB

FactSheetDirectExchangeProgramFUBerlinacademicyear2022-2023 (PDF, 109 Kb) 

Enrolment Application: Enrolment Application.pdf

Application for admission at Freie Universität Berlin as exchange student: AZP Departmental exchange.pdf

Charles University of Prague,
Czech Republic


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Sociology
Level of study:Undergraduate, graduate
Language instruction:Czech / English
Places:2 per year


Fact Sheet (PDF, 285 Kb) 

Brochure (PDF, 2.50 Mb) 

Exchange students_intro_A5_2021-22 (PDF, 4.11 Mb) 

Please see the course catalogue for the upcoming academic year here. The factsheet is also available here and some more useful information for the students might be found here (academic information) and here (practical information)

Application Form for International Exchange Students: Application form (DOC, 81 Kb) 

E-Application Form

Sciences Po (Toulouse),

Fields of study:Public Administration, Political Science (MA programme «Conseil, expertise et action publique», Sciences Po, 2nd year– for graduate students)
Level of study:Graduate, undergraduate
Language instruction:French / English
Details: Dossier de candidature: SciencesPo.pdf

List of documents:
— 1 Curriculum Vitae
— 1 lettre de motivation présentant le projet professionnel
— professionnel :précisions sur le ou les organisme(s) susceptible(s) de vous accueillir en stage
— Parcours recherche : projet de recherche (3 à 5 pages maximum)
— 1 photo d'identité à agrafer sur le dossier de candidature
— 1 photocopie d'une pièce d'identité (carte d'identité, passeport, permis de conduire, titre de séjour)
— Photocopie du contrat d'études internationales pour les étudiants ayant effectué leur master 1 à l'étranger 
— Pour les candidats non francophones, une attestation du niveau de langue française (TCF, TEF, DALF…)
— Pour les étudiants non anglophones, une attestation du niveau de langue anglaise (TOEFL, TOEIC, Bulats, IELTS…)
— Descriptif des enseignements suivis en dehors de l'IEP(Contenus, plans de cours, notes)
— Photocopie des relevés de notes et éventuellement un classement pour chacune de vos années d'études supérieures
— Une photocopie des diplômes obtenus ou attestations de réussite. . Traduction officielle en français pour les diplômes étrangers.
— Le(s) Justificatif(s) des activités professionnelles exercées, des stages suivis et des acquis personnels invoqués.

Witten/Herdecke University,


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Political Science (for students of MA programmes “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP) and PPE at Witten/Herdecke University)
Level of study:graduate
Language instruction:German / English
Details: Factsheet: UWH_Fact_Sheet 20-21 (PDF, 448 Кб)  

Application form: Application Form_INTERNATIONAL.doc

Universität Bayreuth,


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Political Science (for students of MA programme “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP)
Level of study:graduate
Language instruction:German / English
Details: Information for international and exchange students: Flyer_INO_apply_jr_WEB.pdf

Programs in English: 04_Flyer_INO_International_jr_WEB

Application form can be found at the link.

Factsheet: Institutional Fact Sheet (PDF, 554 Кб) 

The University of Bayreuth offers two excellent summer schools each year:

Flyer Sommer Uni (PDF, 1021 Кб) 

BISS_Info Sheet Partner (PDF, 3.23 Мб) 

(1)   “Sommeruniversität” / Summer University for Intercultural German Studies (for intermediate and advanced German learners). Website

(2)   “Bayreuth International Summer School” (with a diverse course offer focusing on the main research areas of  the University of Bayreuth). Website


School of Sociology and Political Science,
University of Shanghai,


The University suspends all exchange programs in 2022-23 academic year due to COVID-19 restrictions

Fields of study:Sociology
Level of study:Undergraduate, graduate, PhD students
Language instruction:Chinese, English

 Programmes & Courses Taught in English

University of Antwerp,


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Social Sciences
Level of study:Undergraduate, graduate
Language instruction:Dutch / English

Factsheet (PDF, 720 Kb) 

Welcome guide for students (PDF, 3.83 Mb) 

Admission procedure: admission procedure.pdf

NB: New English-taught programme in Political Science

Useful information and links

Université libre de Bruxelles,


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Social Sciences, Humanities
Level of study:Undergraduate, graduate
Language instruction:French / English
Places:4 (per semester)
Details: Factsheet: ULB - Phisoc factsheet 2021-22 (PDF, 388 Kb) 

Universite Catholique de Louvain: 
School of Social and Political Sciences, 

Fields of study:Demography (for students of MA programmes “Population and Development”, “Demography”)
Level of study:Graduate
Language instruction:French / English
Details: Deadlines for application: May 31 (fall semester); November 30 (spring semester)

Hertie School of Governance,


Attention!: The Hertie School decided to stop recruiting for the exchange programme for the Academic Year 2022/23 and suspend the exchange programme until further notice

Fields of study:Social Sciences
Level of study:graduate
Language instruction:German / English
Details: Factsheet: Factsheet - Study Abroad at the Hertie School_Exchange_2016_17.pdf

Att.: For MA students enrolled in English-taught programmes the English language certificates (IELTS/TOEFL/Cambridge ESOL) are not required.

Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven)

Inter-Faculty Erasmus+ agreement for 2019-2021

The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Anthropology, Communication Sciences and Media Studies, Political Science, International Relations, Sociology
Level of study:2nd cycle (MA)
Language instruction:Dutch / English

data sheet KU Leuven 2020-2021 (PDF, 584 Кб) 

The course offer for exchange students can be found here

NB: No applications are accepted for 2022-23 fall semester until funding is approved.

The information specifically for Erasmus Plus students can be found here


University of Deusto,
Bilbao, Spain

Fields of study:Political science, Social Sciences, Psychology
Level of study:Undergraduate, graduate
Language instruction:Spanish / English
Places:The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year


Fact Sheet 2021-22 (PDF, 39.07 Мб) 


ESADE Law School, Spain  

Fields of study:Political science, Public Administration
Level of study:Undergraduate / graduate
Language instruction:Spanish / English
Places:The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year
Details: Factsheet: 

Esade Law Fact Sheet 2022 23 (PDF, 369 Kb) 

Esade POLITICS & ECONOMICS Fact Sheet 2022 23 (PDF, 337 Kb) 

ESADE Politic courses tentative for 2022 23 (PDF, 234 Kb) 

International Students Handbook 2021-2022 (PDF, 3.80 Mb) 

Program in Politics is taught at the Esade Barcelona - Sant Cugat Campus

Program in Law is taught at the Esade Barcelona Campus

NHH Norwegian School of Economics


The University suspends all exchange and cooperation programs in 2022-23 academic year

Fields of study:Political Science  (for students of MA program “Politics. Economics. Philosophy” (PEP) or those with background in Economics)
Level of study:graduate 
Language instruction:English

Fact sheet_2022-2023 (PDF, 841 Кб) 

Università degli studi di Bergamo,

Fields of study:Psychology (for students of Master’s degree programs in Psychology)
Level of study:Graduate / MA
Language instruction:Italian / English
Places:2 per year / 4 per semester
Details: Factsheet: Bergamo FACTSHEET 2018-19 Def

English-taught programme on Clinical Psychology: pc_eng_18-18_0

University of Turin,

Fields of study:Political Science (for students of Master’s degree programs in Political Science and Public AAdministration)
Level of study:2nd cycle (MA)
Language instruction:Italian / English
Places:5 (per year)

incoming_exchange_students_handbook_2018_2019 (PDF, 381 Кб) 


 University of Potsdam   

Fields of study:Social Sciences
Level of study:BA, MA, PhD
Language instruction:German / English (German is the language of instruction for most of the undergraduate courses, so German language knowledge is recommended for BA students)
Places:3 per year; 1 place with Erasmus + for 2021-22 Spring semester
Details:FactSheet_UP_2022_23 (PDF, 1.63 Mb)



Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Fields of study:Political Science and Civics / Sociology / Cultural Studies
Level of study:Graduate
Language instruction:English / Italian
Places:There are no places available for HSE students for Spring semester 2022-23 academic year


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