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Illustration for news: Summer School on Applied Data Analysis with Python

Summer School on Applied Data Analysis with Python

The Research and Study Group members were trained at the Summer School on Applied Data Analysis with Python, organized by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Analysis of the HSE

Illustration for news: The Research and Study Group will organize the sessions at the ESRA 2019 conference

The Research and Study Group will organize the sessions at the ESRA 2019 conference

Members of the RSG will organize two sessions at the international methodological conference of the European Survey Research Association, which will be held in the capital of Croatia in July 2019.

Illustration for news: The research of local BDSM community, the study of social determinants of film choice, the actions in social networks are following directions of researches by parsing in Research&Study group

The research of local BDSM community, the study of social determinants of film choice, the actions in social networks are following directions of researches by parsing in Research&Study group

Regular seminar of RSG was held on 24th July during the summer holidays. It was devoted to discussion about following directions of researches. The members of the group represented the first results of their investigations and discussed potential and limitations of parsing methods.

Illustration for news: In search of multivariate associations: comparison of CHAID, log-linear analysis, and multiple correspondence analysis

In search of multivariate associations: comparison of CHAID, log-linear analysis, and multiple correspondence analysis

Svetlana Zhuchkova has presented her graduation paper on the RSG seminar on 5th June. The paper was based on the comparison of three methods of searching for multivariate associations of categorical variables. The comparison was conducted in the paradigm of Data Mining.

Illustration for news: The importance of multivariate associations in the study of paternalistic attitudes

The importance of multivariate associations in the study of paternalistic attitudes

Lubsana Tsydenzhapova, the student of the educational program “Applied Methods of Social Analysis of Markets”, continued a series of seminars on pre-defense of graduation master thesis. The student shared her experience of finding multivariate associations in the study of paternalistic attitudes in Post-socialist and Western European countries. 

Illustration for news: The potential of joint application of logistic regression, variance analysis, and log-linear modeling for predicting personal health assessment

The potential of joint application of logistic regression, variance analysis, and log-linear modeling for predicting personal health assessment

During the RSG open seminar, there was a pre-defense of the master thesis of Zaruhi Simonyan, the student of the HSE master program 'Applied Methods of Social Analysis of Markets', whose scientific supervisor is Alexey Rotmistrov.

Illustration for news: The first results of the RSG work were successfully presented at the scientific conferences

The first results of the RSG work were successfully presented at the scientific conferences

Maria Rodionova and Tamara Mkhitaryan presented the results of the search and application of interaction effects in their reports at the XII Russian Scientific Conference on the Remembrance of Yuri Levada. While on the XIX April Conference Svetlana Zhuchkova and Alexey Rotmistrov told about the research of handling missing data with CHAID.

Illustration for news: Introduction to parsing: the experience of work with Python

Introduction to parsing: the experience of work with Python

Despite the upcoming May holidays, the seminar of the RSG, held on April 30, wasn't left without the attention of listeners. Anastasia Rodygina, invited third-year student of the Sociology Department of Faculty of Social Science, lectured about her experience of sites parsing in Python.

Illustration for news: Missing values in CHAID: risks of their use

Missing values in CHAID: risks of their use

On Tuesday, the 17th of April, a new open seminar of the Research and Study Group (RSG) was held. On the meeting, Svetlana Zhuchkova presented the results of the research devoted to the usage of missing values in CHAID method. This report was previously successfully received by the public at the 19th April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

Illustration for news: Women in STEM: the roundtable at the April Conference

Women in STEM: the roundtable at the April Conference

The Roundtable, which was held on the 11th of April during the ХIХ April International Academic Conference on economic and social development, was devoted to the discussion on the role of women in the modern technological future.