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Tag "sociology" – News

Master’s Programme in Comparative Social Research Now Offers a Double Degree Option

HSE has signed an agreement for a double degree programme with the Free University of Berlin in Germany. The agreement encompasses the Master's programme in Comparative Social Research and its German counterpart will be the ‘East European Studies’ programme.

International Sociology Seminar Focuses on Social Movements

On October 19, the HSE School of Sociology hosted Dr. Kerstin Jacobsson, Professor of Sociology at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), for a seminar entitled ‘Emotions and Morality in a neo-Durkheimian Perspective on Social Movements’. Held as part of the International Sociology Seminar Series, Dr. Jacobsson’s talk was based on the book Animal Rights Activism: A Moral-Sociological Perspective on Social Movements (co-authored with Jonas Lindblom), which develops a novel theoretical perspective on social movements. Following her lecture, she spoke with the HSE News Service about some of the key findings in her research on social movements, including as they relate to the post-Soviet space.

Running a Comparative Empirical Programme in Social Research

Christian Fröhlich is Assistant Professor at the School of Sociology who has been at HSE since 2014. He also supervises an English-taught Master’s Programme ‘Comparative Social Research’. Christian Fröhlich has talked to HSE University bulletin, The HSE Look, about programme design, partnerships, and lessons learned from running the programme.

Sociological Weeks in Greece

In July, an international conference ‘Active Communities, Social-Economy Challenges and Local Knowledge’ and a summer school on ‘Sustaining Mutuality in Times of Crisis: Building Knowledge Alliances in Communities’ were held on Paros, Greece. Graduates of the master’s programme ‘Sociology of Public Sphere and Social Communications’ led by Nikita Pokrovsky, Professor at the School of Sociology, took part in these events.

Learning about Sociology from a Global Perspective

Master’s programme in Comparative Social Research was launched in 2014 and has been rapidly developing since. Its Academic Supervisor Christian Fröhlich talks about what the programme offers the applicants and what makes it unique.