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Examining Self-Help and Self-Improvement Practices in Mental Health: Youth Narratives vs. Literature and Online Sources

Mikhaylova O., Гулина Е. В., Fomicheva E. et al.

International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 2025. Vol. 30. No. 1.

Book chapter
Simulation and Optimization in the Tasks of Organizing Labor Resources in the Context of Digitalization

Aristova N., Chadeev V., Iakimova O.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-4.

Research Seminar “Multiple Secularities or: The Demarcation of Boundaries between Religion and its other”

Event ended

The School of Sociology invites you to the lecture
of  Professor of Sociology Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (Leipzig University)
“Multiple Secularities or: The Demarcation of Boundaries between Religion and its other”

Tuesday 13 September, 18:10.
Venue: Myasnitskaya Ulitsa 9/11, Room 432.

If you need a pass to enter the building please contact Ekaterina Sokolova (ksokolova@hse.ru)

Why talk about secularity, why talk about the boundaries of religion in a time, in which the opposite is so often referred to: the de-secularisation of the world, the return of the sacred, the postsecular society? The lecture gives several answers to this question:
First, the central question today is not, as the debate about secularisation seems to suggest, if there is or will be more or less religion. The central question is how “the religious” and the “non-religious” relate to each other. This also implies the question for the boundaries and range of religion in its various forms, for its containment and expansion. In a world-wide perspective, there are different ways of relating religion and the secular to each other, and these relations are sometimes heavily contested.
Second, the contestations about the boundaries of religion today take place under very specific circumstances which I would label the “disembedding” of religion.
The lecture explores the situation of relating religion and its other in a situation of religious disembedding.