Business Psychology: Theory and Practice
The eighth conference on business psychology continues the tradition of discussing the directions and methods of psychological support of business from the standpoint of a new, integrated approach. Existing external and internal conditions of business development in Russia require the development of efficient productions, the creation of new jobs, the strengthening of a positive business image in society, etc.. Will businessmen, company executives be able to benefit from the difficulties that a business faces in finding new resources for development? This largely depends on their skills of using business-psychological technologies, which are aimed at improving the efficiency of organizations and people in business.
The purpose of the conference: to exchange of ideas and experience in the use of business psychological technologies in the practice of support of modern business.
The conference topics include the following:
- psychological meaning of business processes in terms of different approaches and their application in practice;
- psychological content of business process management, the practice of working with leaders and organizations;
- modern trajectories of professional development and self-improvement of managers and personnel of business organizations;
- modern technologies to increase personal effectiveness and develop the personal potential of business owners;
- experience in the implementation of research, diagnostic and consulting business-psychological projects at the level of the company's tactical and strategic goals;
- business-psychological technologies for making optimal decisions in organizations;
- competencies and skills of business psychologists necessary for effective management of organizational changes, creation and development of an effective organizational culture in the company;
- business-psychological methods of analyzing consumer behavior, conducting marketing research, forming a brand, etc.
The conference is interdisciplinary. All those interested in business development are invited to participate: businessmen, entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, managers, students, university teachers, researches, etc.
The participation is free; registration is required.