International Conference «Care of the Self in Pedagogics, Sociology and Psychology: Historical Past and Actual Present» Programme
Registration of participants 15.00-16.00
16.00, room 518
16.30-19.00, room 518
Plenary session
Moderator: Alexander Chepurenko
Luigina Mortary, Care of the self in practical, theoretical and existential dimensions
Serge Smirnov Care of the self as a concept, discourse and practice
Lorenzo BerniniGoldfishes, Philosophers and Acrobatics: Michel Foucault’s impossible ethics
Elena Pulcini Taking care of our emotions. The education of Sophie and women’s right to passion
Discussant: Victoriya Pichugina
10.09. Panel Sessions
Stream 1, room 430
Galina Ivanchenko’s interdisciplinary ideas about the "care of the self"
Moderator: Vladimir Ryzhov
Vladimir Ryzhov, Lubov Terechova Care of the self and music in Galina’s life
Viktor Znakov “Understanding/comprehension” and “thecare of the self" in the interpretation of Galina Ivanchenko
Dmitry Ushakov Creativity as a sensitivity: some ideas based on the heritage of Galina Ivanchenko
Jurij Orlickij Ivanchenko's "unpredictable randomness", Nabokov's "branching of life" and Vsevolod Nekrasov's branching verse: philosophy, prose, poetry
Discussant: Alexander Sosland
11.30-12.00 Сoffee break
Stream 1, room 430
Galina Ivanchenko’s interdisciplinary approach in the "Care of the Self: History Past and Actual Present" (2009). Round table.
Moderator: Vladimir Ryzhov
Among speakers: Dmitry Leont'ev, Vitaly Bezrogov, Nadezhda Bagdasar'jan, Svetlana Matlina, Nikita Pokrovskij, Viktor Petrenko, Alexander Chepurenko, Alexander Gofman, etc.
Stream 2, room 431
Care of the self as self-management
Moderator: Elena Bogdanova
Andrej Korbut Technologies of the self and reflexivity of social action
Sergej Avanesov Care of the body in the context of the Eastern Christianity anthropological program
Alexander L'vov Care of the self in the mirror of modernity: the worldview aspect
Irina Kavinova The phenomenon of fatigue in the personality
Discussant: Andrej Andreev
14.00-15.30 Lunch
Stream 3, room 432
Care of the self from the perspectives of education: historical and cultural aspects
Мoderator: Mariya Poljakova
Galina Petrova Care of the self: know thyself or formation of thyself?
Victoriya Pichugina The culture of the city as (not) the culture of the self: care of the self in ancient Greek education
Mariya Poljakova Cura sui in philosophical and pedagogical concept of Bildung (according modern Italian studies)
Discussant: Vitaly Bezrogov
Stream 4, room 431
Moral aspects of self-caring and caring of other
Мoderator: Maria Kozlova
Yulij Asojan "Genealogy of ethics" and the notion of "care of the self": the concepts of Michel Foucault
Alexander Podd'jakovCreating of difficulties in the context of caring for the self and other
Alexander Lobok The gift of the care
Discussant: Dmitry Leont'ev
17.30-18.00 Сoffee break
Stream 3, room 432
Care of the self from the perspectives of education: historical and cultural aspects
Мoderator: Victor Petrenko
Tatjana Kovaleva Tutoring in education and care of the self
Serge Stepanov Content and stages of the development of educational forms of practices of the self-education
Elena Evstratenko Projects and the "care of the self" in higher education
Elena Tikhomirova Self-education and self-actualization in joint Russian-Chinese student cultural projects
Discussant: Victoriya Pichugina
Stream 4, room 431
Moral aspects of self-caring and caring of other
Irina Znamenskaja, Juri Aleksandrov Moral behavior as a component of human ecology
Irina Sozinova, Juri Aleksandrov The formation of moral attitudes towards We and Alien
Maria Kozlova, Natal'ja Kosheleva Care of the Self and of the Other as a moral attitude: an interdisciplinary approach
Discussant: Alexander Podd'jakov
10.09. Panel Sessions
Stream 5, room 430
Care of the self as a practice: psychological and social aspects
Мoderator: Natalja Ikonnikova
Ludmila Aksenovskaja The concept of the care of the self and technology of the sotering: how to change organizational culture?
Serge Borisov The practice of philosophizing as a care of the self
Natalja Ikonnikova External signs of the care: on materials of the field research in Adler-city during the period of the Olympic campus construction
Anna GorbachevaPerson in refusing of the care of the self (on the example of the life outsourcing)
Valentina Karabanova Cinematic "Shadow" as a postmodern way of the “care of the Other"
Discussant: Evgenija Gol'man
Stream 6, room 431
Anthropopractices of the care of the self: the situation of the personality
Мoderator: Serge Smirnov
Milena Chesnokova ‘Care of the self’ in the philosophy of S. Kierkegaard: between Classics and Christianity
Ivan Kokovin The concept "care of the self" in the philosophical ideas of Pjetr Chaadaev
Vjacheslav Viderker Conceptual framework of "care of the self" in the late Foucault
Olga Janushkjavichene Care of the self in Christianity and Postmodernism
Boris Pojzner, Edward Sosnin, Alexander Shuvalov As humankind takes care of itself?
Discussant: Igor' Ashmarin
11.30-12.00 Сoffee break
Stream 6, room 431
Anthropopractices of the care of the self: the situation of the personality
Мoderator: Serge Smirnov
Pavel Kajgorodov The boundaries of the category of Other in the transhumanism
Elisabeth Speshilova The game as a form of the care of the self
Marina Koreckaja The ideal of self-sufficiency: from sovereignity to biopolitics
Alexander Sosland On the volume of the humanities: scholars’ care of themselves
Discussant: Maria Tendrjakova
Stream 7, room 430
"Care of the Self" in historical perspective: the ideal of care in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, in the Modernity and Postmodern times.
Мoderator: Elena Bogdanova
Catherine Vikulina Practices of the body and ‘care of the self’ during the Khrushchev's Thaw
Elena Bogdanova ‘Care’ as a category of the Soviet political language
Elena Bolotnikova Some specific features of the contemporary’s care of the self
Vadim Petrov Idleness as the care of the self in contemporary philosophical discourse
Discussant: Kirill Levinson
14.00-15.30 Lunch
Stream 8, room 431
From the Self-care to the Care of the self: self-preservation behavior and practices of the body in the context of the Care of the self
Moderator: Maria Kozlova
Andrej Andreev "Care of the self" of people living with HIV: from diagnosis to inclusion in social institutions
Anna Leont’eva Care of the self and self-stigmatization (in the experience of street drug users)
Evgeniya Gol'man Healthy lifestyle as a "technology of power" and a "technology of Self"
Dmitry Kornienko Correlations of the search of the experience and the self-preserving behavior
Dmitry Kornienko, Andrej Kozlov, Marina Otavina Self-rating of the health and psychological well-being in healthy young adults and those with chronic disease
Discussant: Jurij Aleksandrov
Stream 9, room 431
Care of the self and professional activities
Мoderator: Vitaly Bezrogov
Slava Matlina Personality in the library milieu
Kyrill Levinson The teaching of shorthand as a form of care of the self: Germany in the 19th – 20th centuries
Galina Tarasova Artists and a care for the creativity
Galina Taraeva Personal development as a didactic technology in music college
Discussant: Vladimir Ryzhov
17.30-18.00 Сoffee break
18.00-20.00, room 518
Plenary session
Dmitry Leont'ev From caring to killing: what and how are we doing with ourselves?
Viktor Petrenko Care of the self – but who is this self?
Alexander Pogonjajlo The coming into the self as a way toward the logical sphere
Gregory Tul'chinskij Care of the self and personality as a project
Discussant: Jurij Asojan
Сlosing session