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Tag "master's programmes "

Conference presentations in Psy-Вышка 2019

3 talks were presented from the scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" in Psy-Вышка 2019.

Seminar "Neural substrates underlying the stereo 3D perception: An fMRI meta-analysis study"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar "Neural substrates underlying the stereo 3D perception: An fMRI meta-analysis study" on 25. October. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Bayes' theorem"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Bayes' theorem" on 17. October. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Likelihood"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Likelihood" on 17. October. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Continuous probability 2"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Continuous probability 2" on 10. October. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Continuous probability 1"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Continuous probability 1" on 10. October. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Discrete probability"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Discrete probability" on 16. September. 2019.

Seminar for Introductory Probability "Permutations and Combinations"

The scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" organized a seminar for Introductory Probability "Permutations and Combinations" on 16. September. 2019.

Conference presentations in ECVP 2019

1 poster and 1 talk were presented from the scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" in ECVP 2019.

Lecture in "Applied cognitive science" Summer School (Летняя школа "Прикладная когнитивная наука")

Tadamasa Sawada from the scientific group "Mathematical and Computational Psychology" gave a guest lecture in Летняя школа "Прикладная когнитивная наука" ("Applied cognitive science" Summer School).